[ovirt-users] deploy failed with "Engine health status page is not yet reachable."

Will K yetanotherwill at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 12 03:54:25 EST 2015

Hi list,
I've been trying to setup hosted-engine on 2 nodes for a few times.  The latest failure which I can't figure out is the "Engine health status page is not yet reachable."
I'm running CentOS 6.6 fully patched before setting up 3.5.  Sure I run screen, I also need to setup three vars to get around a proxy server, http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy.
`hosted-engine --deploy` went fine until the last steps.  After `engine setup is completed`, I picked (1) Continue setup.   It says 'Waiting for VM to shutdown`.  Once the VM is up again, I waited for a couple of minutes, then pick (1) again, it gives me
"Engine health status page is not yet reachable."
At this point, I can ssh to the VM, I can also access and login the web GUI.
Any suggestion?

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