[ovirt-users] [Feature review] Select network to be used for glusterfs

Sahina Bose sabose at redhat.com
Tue Jan 13 03:21:57 EST 2015

On 01/12/2015 08:52 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 02:59:50PM +0200, Lior Vernia wrote:
>> On 12/01/15 14:44, Oved Ourfali wrote:
>>> Hi Sahina,
>>> Some comments:
>>> 1. As far as I understand, you might not have an IP available immediately after setupNetworks runs (getCapabilities should run, but it isn't run automatically, afair).
>>> 2. Perhaps you should pass not the IP but the name of the network? IPs might change.
>> Actually, IP address can indeed change - which would be very bad for
>> gluster functioning! I think moving networks or changing their IP
>> addresses via Setup Networks should be blocked if they're used by
>> gluster bricks.
> In the suggested feature, there is no real storage "role". The "storage
> role" title means only "default value for glusterfs IP".
> For example, once a brick was created, nothing protects the admin from
> accidently removing the storage network, or changing its IP address.
> Another "proof" that this is not a real "role", is that it affects only
> GUI: I am guessing that REST API would not make use of it at all. (maybe
> I'm wrong; for sure, REST must be defined in the feature page)

REST API that lists the available networks (with IP addresses) would be 
used to select the network and pass to the create gluster volume API

I'll update the feature page with the REST API changes as well.

> Maybe that's the behavior we want. But alternatively, Engine can enforce
> a stronger linkage between the brick to the network that it uses. When
> adding a brick, the dialog would list available networks instead of the
> specific IP. As long as the brick is being used, the admin would be
> blocked/warned against deleting the network.

Is there a way to block against changing IP address used by a network?

> I'm missing a discussion regarding the upgrade path. If we would opt to
> requiring a single storage role network in a cluster, in an upgraded
> cluster the management network should take this role.

There would not be any change to existing volumes on upgrade, as bricks 
have already been added. Users can use the Edit brick option to update 
the network to be used, if required as mentioned in "Change network used 
by brick "

>>> 3. Adding to "2", perhaps using DNS names is a more valid approach?
>>> 4. You're using the terminology "role", but it might be confusing, as we have "roles" with regards to permissions. Consider changing "storage usage" and not "storage role" in the feature page.
>> Well, we've already been using this terminology for a while now
>> concerning display/migration roles for networks... That's probably the
>> terminology to use.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Oved
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Sahina Bose" <sabose at redhat.com>
>>>> To: devel at ovirt.org, "users" <users at ovirt.org>
>>>> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 2:00:16 PM
>>>> Subject: [ovirt-users] [Feature review] Select network to be used for	glusterfs
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Please review the feature page for this proposed solution and provide
>>>> your inputs - http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Select_Network_For_Gluster
>>>> thanks
>>>> sahina
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