[ovirt-users] Host in NonOperational mode ovirtmgmt network missing

Yedidyah Bar David didi at redhat.com
Tue Jan 13 03:31:46 EST 2015

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lars Nielsen" <lars at steinwurf.com>
> To: users at ovirt.org
> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 10:20:20 AM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] Host in NonOperational mode ovirtmgmt network missing
> Hey I am new to oVirt, so please be patient
> I have a problem, when setting up new hosts.
> Doing the setup it self no problem, but afterwards the status is set to
> NonOperational.
> Do to the network ovirtmgmt is missing on the machine.
> However I have added the following ifcfg file:
> ifcfg-ovirtmgmt::
> DEVICE=ovirtmgmt
> TYPE=Bridge
> ONBOOT=yes
> And made the adjustments, so the ifcfg-en1, file looks like this:
> TYPE="Ethernet"
> #BOOTPROTO="dhcp"
> DEFROUTE="yes"
> IPV6INIT="yes"
> IPV6_PEERDNS="yes"
> NAME="em1"
> UUID="bdc14160-3cb6-48d7-b8b9-a382dc384add"
> ONBOOT="yes"
> HWADDR="F8:B1:56:C1:F9:8E"
> PEERDNS="yes"
> BRIDGE=ovirtmgmt
> I do realize that, the guides on the web for oVirt set BOOTPROTO to
> static. But at the office, we do not have the possibility of static IP,
> at the moment.
> Can some one please tell me what could be wrong ?

dhcp should work too. The problem is with NetworkManager.
You'll need to have static IPs though for the engine to be able to
contact the hosts (as well as the hosts themselves, for hosted-engine HA
at least), or you'll have problems if they for some reason get a different
IP address from your dhcp server.

Please post relevant logs:
hosts - /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine*/*, /var/log/vdsm/*
engine - /var/log/ovirt-engine/*

Thanks and best regards,

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