[ovirt-users] [Feature review] Select network to be used for glusterfs

Lior Vernia lvernia at redhat.com
Tue Jan 13 07:45:40 EST 2015

On 13/01/15 10:18, Sahina Bose wrote:
> On 01/12/2015 06:21 PM, Lior Vernia wrote:
>> Hi Sahina! :)
>> Cool feature, and I think long-awaited by many users. I have a few
>> comments:
>> 1. In the "Add Bricks" dialog, it seems like the "IP Address" field is a
>> list box - I presume the items contained there are all IP addresses
>> configured on the host's interfaces.
>> 1. a. May I suggest that this contain network names instead of IP
>> addresses? Would be easier for users to think about things (they surely
>> remember the meaning of network names, not necessarily of IP addresses).
>> 1. b. If I correctly understood the mock-up, then configuring a "Storage
>> Network" role only affects the default entry chosen in the list box. Is
>> it really worth the trouble of implementing this added role? It's quite
>> different than display/migration roles, which are used to determine what
>> IP address to use at a later time (i.e. not when configuring the host),
>> when a VM is run/migrated in the cluster.
> If not for "Storage network" role, how would we default which network to
> use. In fact, we are planning to remove the drop down to choose network
> from the Add Brick UI, to avoid confusion and just use the network with
> this role, if available - otherwise use the host address. (host_address
> in vds_static)

If the list box goes, then yeah, somehow you'll have to mark the network
used for gluster traffic, so a role would be good. However, if you keep
the list box, any order would be fine (maybe alphabetic with the
management network as default?).

> Will update page accordingly
>> 1. c. A word of warning: sometimes a host interface's IP address is
>> missing in the engine - this usually happens when they're configured for
>> the first time with DHCP, and the setup networks command returns before
>> an IP address is allocated (this can later be resolved by refreshing
>> host capabilities, there's a button for that). So when displaying items
>> in the list box, you should really check that an IP address exists for
>> each network.
>> 2. "Storage Network": if you intend to keep this role in the feature (I
>> don't think it adds a lot of functionality, see article 1b), it might be
>> better to call it "Gluster Network" - otherwise people using virt mode
>> might think this network is gonna be used to communicate with other
>> types of storage domains.
> Could this network be reused for other storage needs also. If not, we
> can rename it "gluster network"

I don't think there are any current plans to incorporate a "storage
network" in 3.6, CCing Allon though.

>> Yours, Lior.
>> On 12/01/15 14:00, Sahina Bose wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Please review the feature page for this proposed solution and provide
>>> your inputs - http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Select_Network_For_Gluster
>>> thanks
>>> sahina
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