[ovirt-users] [Feature review] Select network to be used for glusterfs

Sahina Bose sabose at redhat.com
Fri Jan 16 02:12:15 EST 2015

On 01/15/2015 02:27 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 12:34:18PM +0530, Sahina Bose wrote:
>> I've updated the feature page with the REST API and other comments. On
>> further thought, there will be no change to Add brick API, as the engine
>> will select the network to be used based on the networks setup for the host.
>> If "Storage network" role is associated with any of the networks, this will
>> be used. Otherwise, the host's address will be used to add the brick.
> <snip>
> The paragraph above rules out the use case I lay below. Could you relate
> to it? Isn't it a reasonable use case?
>>> If I am not mistaken, it could make sense to have a setup with one brick
>>> using network A and another - using network B. Does your design support
>>> this? I think that this would be particularly important on upgraded
>>> clusters, where the management network is already used, but newly
>>> created bricks should start using another network.

On upgraded clusters, the user would have to assign a network with the 
role "Storage network". Any newly created brick would then start using 
this, rather than the management network.

I'm not sure if the use case where each brick on a host is added using 
different networks is a common one (apart from the upgrade scenario, 
that is). If it is, we could provide an Advanced edit option in the UI 
to select network in Add Bricks dialog.
The entity design supports setting different network per brick and the 
REST API already provides a way to set this as an optional parameter.

> May I repeat my follow request? It would help me understand the content
> of the feature.

Sorry, I missed these before!

>>> Would you add a feature page section regarding modification to the
>>> Vdsm/Engine API?


>>> One last comment - may I ask that new APIs accept both ipv4 and ipv6
>>> addresses? There is an ongoing effort to support ipv6 on Vdsm.

Glusterfs does not support ipv6 yet, so addition of bricks using ipv6 
addresses would not work.


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