[ovirt-users] Host remains Non-Responsive after reboot

ILanit Stein istein at redhat.com
Sun Jan 25 01:56:23 EST 2015

Hi Rob,

Thanks for this report.

Would you please provide these logs, at the time frame, the host failure occur:
1. oVirt Engine: /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log
2. host: /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log

If it is reproducible, please add this info as well.

You can also check vdsm service status, on host, while host reported as Non responsive,
by running on host 'service vdsmd status' 
There might some problem, that might have prevented from vdsm service to come up, on host.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Abshear" <rabshear at citytwist.net>
To: users at ovirt.org
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 9:22:42 PM
Subject: [ovirt-users] Host remains Non-Responsive after reboot

I am running oVirt Engine Version I have 4 hosts in the cluster. Each host has a drac5 and it is configured and working. I am trying to simulate a node failure. I am running one HA VM on one of the hosts for testing. I simulate the failure by powering off the host with the VM running. 

Here is what is happening. 

    * Host is powered off 
    * ~4 minutes pass and the host is recognized as not responding 
    * Automatic fence runs and the VM migrates. Another host in the node is chosen as a proxy to execute Status command on the host. 
    * Same host is chosen as proxy to execute Start command on the host. 
    * Same host is chosen as proxy to execute Status command on the host. 
    * The host DOES physically start. 
    * The host never shows status of UP. 
    * I select “confirm host has been rebooted” and I see a manual fence start. 
    * Host stays non-responsive. 
    * I put the host in maintenance and then activate it. 
    * Host still non-responsive 
    * I put the host in maintenance and do a reinstall 
    * Reinstall finishes and host becomes UP 

So, everything seems to go fine with the HA functionality, but the host never recovers without being reinstalled. Please let me know which logs you need to look at to help me out with this. 


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