[ovirt-users] New user intro & some questions

Jason Brooks jbrooks at redhat.com
Fri Jan 30 11:11:18 EST 2015

----- Original Message -----
> From: "George Skorup" <george at mwcomm.com>
> To: users at ovirt.org
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 6:13:30 PM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] New user intro & some questions
> Hello oVirt Users Community,
> I've been working with Red Hat and RHEL and clones for about 11 years,
> though I do still consider myself amateur mostly because I'm more of a
> networking guy. :) One-man IT department so I get very little time to
> tinker.
> I'm evaluating oVirt (because the boss said no to VMware) and will
> likely begin implementation soon to virtualize our datacenter. So I have
> a SuperMicro Twin2 (4 nodes) system and a cheap managed L2+ switch to
> use for now. Dual 6-core Xeon's and 24GB per node. The two on-board
> 82574L's are bonded 802.3ad, no issues there (so far). I currently have
> two 1TB WD RE4 SATA drives configured as RAID1 using the Intel RAID BIOS
> in each node. I understand this is software RAID. That's all working
> fine and I did this so that if a drive dies then I can still boot the
> machine(s). I have a 500MB partition formatted as ext4 for /boot. A 48GB
> ext4 for the root. 24GB for swap. And finally the rest (800-something
> GB) is LVM and XFS for Gluster.
> I've been following Jason Brooks' "Up and Running with oVirt" guides
> (which are great, BTW!). I have the cluster up and running with CentOS 7
> and oVirt 3.5, hosted-engine on CentOS 6.6 and CTDB to host a virtual IP
> for the engine NFS mount. There are a couple test VMs running along with
> the engine on various nodes. I found it interesting that I was able to
> upload a ripped ISO of Win 2k3 Enterprise (not SP2) and was able to
> successfully boot it, after which I promptly installed SP2 and oVirt
> guest tools. I do very little with Windows, but there's always that one
> remaining customer that needs IIS and we're not about to buy a new
> Windows Server 2012 license just for them.
> So anyway, I'm having a problem with node reboots. They simply will not
> shut down and reboot cleanly. Instead, it looks like they hang after all
> processes are shut down, or at least attempted to be shut down. Then
> after a couple minutes, the hardware watchdog resets the system. I've
> came to the conclusion that sanlock and/or wdmd is causing the hangup.
> I'm guessing an active but non-responsive NFS mount is the culprit,
> possibly the ISO domain NFS mount which is on the engine? I've tried
> manually shutting down all oVirt, VDSM, etc. processes, unmounting all
> NFS shares, but it seems sanlock still has a hold on something in
> /rhev/.. I've Google'd a bit and have come across posts about this as
> well. Any tips here?

Hi George --

I typically host my ISO domain from gluster as well, rather than from
the NFS export the installer offers to set up.

I've been able to force sanlock to release with:

sanlock shutdown -f 1

> Then I experienced something else odd yesterday. I did a yum update for
> the glibc vulnerability stuff. Gluster was updated as well which really
> threw a wrench into things because I wasn't paying attention and quorum
> broke, etc. I got that fixed. Rebooted all nodes (which is when I found
> the sanlock/watchdog problem). Nodes 2, 3 and 4 came back up, but node1
> did not. I logged into the IPKVM console and found that it had no
> network configuration. All /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files
> were gone. I was able to manually reconfigure the physical interfaces,
> set the bonding back up and add the ovirtmgmt bridge. But then the
> engine reported the host as non-operational due to '..does not comply
> with cluster default networks... ovirtmgmt missing' which I was able to
> resolve by reconfiguring the host's network config within the engine GUI
> and all is now well. I'm just curious how/why the ifcfg files were wiped
> out? I haven't touched the network config on any hosts since running
> hosted-engine --deploy.

VDSM now attempts to restore the networks as configured in the engine. I 
found that I had to have all my network configs setup in the engine, as 
well as in the ifcfgs for these networks to persist. There's a place where
you can disable this functionality, as well, I don't recall where that is
off hand though. 

Regards, Jason

> Please forgive my ignorance and point me to the correct place if these
> issues have been discussed and/or resolved already.
> And overall I'm very much liking oVirt, especially as a viable and
> cost-effective alternative to vSphere.
> Thanks,
> George
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