[ovirt-users] Storage network question

Alan Murrell lists at murrell.ca
Tue Jul 28 06:34:51 UTC 2015

Hi Patrick,

On 27/07/2015 7:25 AM, Patrick Russell wrote:
> We currently have all our nics in the same bond. So we have guest
> traffic, management,  and storage running over the same physical
> nics, but different vlans.

Which bond mode do you use, out of curiousity?  Not sure I would go to 
this extreme, though; I would still want the physical isolation of 
Management vs. network/VM traffic vs. storage, but just curious which 
bonding mode?

Modes 1 and 5 would seem to be the best ones, as far as maximising 
throughput.  I read an article just the other day where a guy detailed 
how he bonded four 1Gbit NICs in mode 1 (with each on a different VLAN) 
and was able to achieve 320MB/s throughput to NFS storage.

As far as the storage question, I like to put other storage on the 
network (smaller NAS devices, maybe SANs for other storage) and would 
want the VMs to be bale to get at those.  Being to use a NIC to carry VM 
traffic for storage as well as for host access to storage would cut down 
on the number of NICs I would need to have in each node.



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