[ovirt-users] oVirt Engine in a container

Fabian Deutsch fdeutsch at redhat.com
Thu Jun 4 07:25:22 EDT 2015


if you are using docker or atomic, then you might be interested that you
can get a fully configured and running oVirt Engine (based on CentOS and
oVirt 3.5) from the docker repositories.

I'm not the first one who gave it a go, Moran [also] [did] this.
My work is similar to his, I just tried to leverage some enhancements
which popped up in the last 6 months - mainly the integration with the
`atomic` command and a simpler integration with systemd.

The image is based on this [Dockerfile] and [this atomic installation script]
to perform the engine setup on deployment.

With the `atomic` command the usage is quite easy:

    atomic install fabiand/ovirt-engine-3.5
    # or
    ADMINPW=foo atomic install fabiand/ovirt-engine-3.5

With `docker` it's a few more lines:

    export IMAGE=docker.io/fabiand/ovirt-engine-3.5
    export NAME=ovirt-engine-3.5
    # Use a transient (--rm) container to create the real the container
    docker run --rm -v /:/host \
      -e FQDN=$(hostname) \
      -e ADMINPASSWORD=${ADMINPW:-ovirt} \
      -e NAME=$NAME \
      -e IMAGE=$IMAGE \
      $IMAGE container/atomic-install.sh

After this run you can access oVirt Engine on port 80 and 443 of that host.

It would be great if someone could try this - also on a different distribution
than Fedora or CentOS - i.e. on Ubuntu? Gentoo? - and provide some feedback.


[this atomic installation script](https://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=ovirt-container-engine.git;a=blob;f=container/atomic-install.sh;h=3b1243f5bb13e6ce4e41b8364df1ae5bb819976c;hb=HEAD)

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