[ovirt-users] Storage domain not in pool issue

Elad Ben Aharon ebenahar at redhat.com
Mon Mar 30 09:08:42 EDT 2015


As you can see, the domain is not attached to pool f422de63-8869-41ef-a782-8b0c9ee03c41, which is the pool you've tried to activate the domain in. 
Via which API did you attempt to activate the domain in this pool? 

Also, please execute the following command on engine and paste its output here. 

su - postgres -c "psql -U postgres engine -c 'select id,storage_pool_id from storage_domains;'" | less -S 

----- Original Message -----

From: "VONDRA Alain" <AVONDRA at unicef.fr> 
To: "Elad Ben Aharon" <ebenahar at redhat.com> 
Cc: users at ovirt.org 
Sent: Monday, 30 March, 2015 3:43:35 PM 
Subject: RE: [ovirt-users] Storage domain not in pool issue 

My oVirt version is 

[root at unc-srv-hyp2 ~]$ vdsClient -s 0 getStorageDomainInfo d7b9d7cc-f7d6-43c7-ae13-e720951657c9 uuid = d7b9d7cc-f7d6-43c7-ae13-e720951657c9 
vguuid = zyiwLa-STgp-v3r8-KJqj-1AIP-rC2k-4NuXqf 
state = OK 
version = 3 
role = Regular 
type = ISCSI 
class = Data 
pool = ['c58a44b1-1c98-450e-97e1-3347eeb28f86'] 
name = VOL-UNC-PROD-02 

De : Elad Ben Aharon [mailto:ebenahar at redhat.com] 
Envoyé : lundi 30 mars 2015 14:41 
À : VONDRA Alain 
Cc : users at ovirt.org 
Objet : Re: [ovirt-users] Storage domain not in pool issue 

Which oVirt version are you using? 
Also, please execute the following command and paste its output here. 

vdsClient -s 0 getStorageDomainInfo d7b9d7cc-f7d6-43c7-ae13-e720951657c9 

Chargé d'exploitation des Systèmes d'Information 
Direction Administrative et Financière 
+33 1 44 39 77 76 
UNICEF France 
3 rue Duguay Trouin 75006 PARIS 

From: "VONDRA Alain" <AVONDRA at unicef.fr> 
To: "Elad Ben Aharon" <ebenahar at redhat.com> 
Cc: users at ovirt.org 
Sent: Monday, 30 March, 2015 3:05:49 PM 
Subject: RE: [ovirt-users] Storage domain not in pool issue 

Yes I have an active storage domain 

De : Elad Ben Aharon [mailto:ebenahar at redhat.com] 
Envoyé : lundi 30 mars 2015 13:59 
À : VONDRA Alain 
Cc : users at ovirt.org 
Objet : Re: [ovirt-users] Storage domain not in pool issue 


Besides from these 2 storage domains, do you have an active master storage domain in the pool? 

Elad Ben Aharon 
RHEV-QE storage 

Chargé d'exploitation des Systèmes d'Information 
Direction Administrative et Financière 
+33 1 44 39 77 76 
UNICEF France 
3 rue Duguay Trouin 75006 PARIS 

From: "VONDRA Alain" <AVONDRA at unicef.fr> 
To: users at ovirt.org 
Sent: Monday, 30 March, 2015 12:18:26 PM 
Subject: [ovirt-users] Storage domain not in pool issue 

I can’t activate two Storage domain after a Data Center disaster, I have these errors in my vdsm.log : 

Thread-76::ERROR::2015-03-30 10:38:36,521::task::866::Storage.TaskManager.Task::(_setError) Task=`48e52e40-423b-4e9a-ac6b-e5b423bf9b99`::Unexpected error 
Thread-76::ERROR::2015-03-30 10:38:36,525::dispatcher::76::Storage.Dispatcher::(wrapper) {'status': {'message': "Storage domain not in pool: 'domain=d7b9d7cc-f7d6-43c7-ae13-e720951657c9, pool=f422de63-8869-41ef-a782-8b0c9ee03c41'", 'code': 353}} 

How can I re-activate them ? 

Chargé d'exploitation des Systèmes d'Information 
Direction Administrative et Financière 
+33 1 44 39 77 76 
UNICEF France 
3 rue Duguay Trouin 75006 PARIS 


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