[ovirt-users] Why so long to add virtual HDD?

Alan Murrell lists at murrell.ca
Mon May 18 02:31:31 EDT 2015


I am wondering why it takes so long to provision a HDD for a VM?  I 
typically do full provision (as opposed to "thin" provision) and while I 
have never sat there and timed it, it takes at least ten minutes to 
provision a 32GB HDD.  I provisioned a 100GB HDD earlier today and even 
after 45 minutes it was not complete.

I am from the VMware world where it takes less than a minute (usually 
more like 30 seconds or so) to provision a VM, regardless of HDD assigned.

My host's physical HDD's are 2x2TB SATA drives in a hardware RAID1. 
oVirt storage is an NFS pool connecting to my host machine (for all 
intents and purposes, local storage)

I wonder if I have things mis-configured? Is it normal for provisioning 
to take that long?

Thanks! :-)


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