[ovirt-users] oVirt IDrac7

Jason Keltz jas at cse.yorku.ca
Fri May 29 22:58:28 EDT 2015

On 29/05/2015 6:58 PM, Juan Carlos YJ. Lin wrote:
> I configured iDrac7 on dell server, have acces by hppts, IPMI active, 
> but when test power configuration to node, comes success,unknown, then 
> get alert with node power fance test fail.
> Dell R720 and dell R420 Centos 6 with same issue, I missconfigure 
> something?

Hi Juan,

If you're using ovirt < 3.5.2, then you should try to include as 
"options": privlvl=OPERATOR,lanplus=1,delay=10
If you're ovirt >= 3.5.2, then you probably only need: lanplus=1

Under CentOS 7.0, and 3.5.2, the default worked because 3.5.2 was the 
first release to include the default options for idrac7, but when 
fence-agents was updated with CentOS 7.1 release, "lanplus" alone is no 
longer valid syntax.  "lanplus=1" is.  A bug is reported to this effect.

I hope this helps!

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