[ovirt-users] ovirt 3.5 vm startup

Joop jvdwege at xs4all.nl
Sat May 30 07:06:26 EDT 2015

On 30-5-2015 4:51, Grant Pasley wrote:
> hi all,
> i have ovirt 3.5.2 allinone running on centos 6.6 and have noticed
> that when i reboot the physical host server the vm's do not start up
> again automatically, i have to start them manually.
> i have worked with kvm and vm manager to date and know where to set
> the auto start there, but cannot seem to find this option in ovirt?
As far as I know there isn't such an option but you can leverage
ovirt-shell to autostart VMs. Let us know if you have problems in
getting this going.


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