[ovirt-users] migrate to Hosted engine set up using ovirt node 3.6

Simone Tiraboschi stirabos at redhat.com
Wed Nov 11 12:52:27 EST 2015

On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Alastair Neil <ajneil.tech at gmail.com>

> Hi
> I am in the process of upgrading my ovirt DC to 3.6.  I would like to
> migrate to hosted-engine with gluster replica 3 storage in the process.
> The engine has been upgraded and I have installed 3 of the VM hosts in one
> cluster  using the ovirt-node iso.  I have three other VM hosts in a
> separate cluster to upgrade.
> I see an option to configure the hosted engine through the node admin
> login tui, however I have not found any up to date instructions on how to
> perform a migration to hosted using the ovirt-node.  I thought I'd ask a
> few questions before I started:
> Should I connect and approve the node in the current engine prior to
> configuring the hosted engine?
> Does the node hosted-engine-setup provide a pause to restore the engine db
> from the external engine? Or even better a facility to upload the database
> backup file?

hosted-engine-setup has to be run on the host.
engine-setup has to be run on the engine VM.
The DB restore from you previous setup has to be performed on the engine
VM. If you are using the ready to use oVirt engine appliance and you choose
to automatically execute engine-setup on your VM it will not wait for you
to replace the engine DB so you have just to avoid that and manually
execute engine-setup on the engine VM.
In this way you have all the time to perform your import.

> Any feedback gratefully received.
> Thanks, Alastair
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