[ovirt-users] Move cluster between datacenters

Dael Maselli dael.maselli at lnf.infn.it
Tue Nov 24 06:49:29 EST 2015


I have an environment with two data centers with some clusters in each 
one. Each cluster has one or more dedicated FC storage domains.

We have some management problem because adding storage to one cluster 
means to add it to all nodes of all clusters in the same data center, by 
the way I found this a little overkill and I think it should be managed 
like networks.

Anyway, to resolve out problems we would like to create a new datacenter 
and move a cluster from old data center to the new one, obviously with 
it's own storage domain.

Is there a way to do this without export/import all vms?

Thank you.

     Dael Maselli.


Dael Maselli  ---  INFN-LNF Computing Service  --  +39.06.9403.2214

              * http://www.lnf.infn.it/~dmaselli/ *

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