[ovirt-users] Import OVA

Melissa Mesler melissa at aasteel.com
Wed Nov 25 13:03:50 EST 2015

Thank you! Learning as I go for sure.. But when I do that, everything is 
all greyed out as if there's nothing to import.

Melissa Mesler
I.S. Department Manager
E-mail: melissa at aasteel.com

American Alloy Steel
Houston, Texas
Website: www.aasteel.com

Phone: 713-462-8081
Direct: 713-300-5697
Cell: 713-408-1502
Fax: 713-300-5688

On 11/25/15 11:45 AM, Gonzalo Rafuls wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 5:52 PM, Melissa Mesler <melissa at aasteel.com 
> <mailto:melissa at aasteel.com>> wrote:
>     I am trying to follow the steps below but I don't see anywhere
>     that allows me to import the template. There is no import function
>     at all within any tab of "Template." Can someone help me with this?
> After uploading the OVA file with image-uploader to the export domain, 
> go to "Storage" tab, click on the export domain and then click on 
> "Template Import" tab below, look for your template image and then 
> click on Import.
> After this you should be able to see the template under the "Template" 
> tab.

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