[ovirt-users] Unable to import hosted engine storage domain in 3.6RC with FC storage

Christopher Miersma miersma at ualberta.ca
Thu Oct 15 14:51:31 EDT 2015

I've tried importing using the ovirt-shell, and a python script, but I'm 
having trouble figuring out what options to use to properly import an FC 
repository. The examples at http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/PythonApi use 
NFS or iSCSI. The 5 overload options for api.storagedomains.add() and 
the "add storagedomain," I found in the python API and in the 
ovirt-shell all seem to be requiring parameters for either a file system 
path or iSCSI. To test the import process, I tried removing another 
unused fibre channel storage domain and reimporting it. While that 
storage domain showed up in the web interface and could be imported via 
the web UI, I couldn't find the right options to import it in the python 
API or the ovirt-shell.

On 10/11/2015 06:53 AM, Roy Golan wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Roy Golan <rgolan at redhat.com 
> <mailto:rgolan at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Christopher Miersma
>     <miersma at ualberta.ca <mailto:miersma at ualberta.ca>> wrote:
>         Hi All,
>         I'm having an issue with the current release candidate for
>         3.6, running on CentOS 7. I'm trying to install the hosted
>         engine on fibre channel storage. I can successfully install
>         the VM, and get everything up and running, but the hosted
>         engine VM itself does not appear in the web interface, nor
>         does the storage domain on which the hosted engine's disks
>         reside appear. When I create a new storage domain on the SAN,
>         I can see the LUN on which the hosted engine resides, but it
>         is greyed out. When I first started the cluster and got the
>         host and engine VM installed and running, it gave me the
>         message " The Hosted Engine Storage Domain doesn't exist. It
>         shoudl be imported into the setup." I've tried importing and
>         attaching the storage domain, but it simply doesn't appear in
>         the interface to allow me to import it. I've tired every
>         Attach/Import/Activate screen that I could find. I've also
>         opened a bug report
>         (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1267337), but
>         with no success so far.
>         Has anyone else had a similar issue? Can you import the hosted
>         engine storage domain after setup, and if so on what kind of
>         storage? From some of the posts I've seen, it looks like
>         people are getting it to work with NFS and maybe iSCSI, but I
>         haven't seen anyone else mention Fibre Channel.
>     Can you try to import the hosted_storage domain using REST and not
>     via UI?
>      NFS and ISCSI do work. Also Bug 1261996 did solve a but on import
>     (I'm no sure this is on your release candidate)
> Also, there is a bug (and a patch) to import the SD automatically 
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1269768
>         Christopher Miersma
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Christopher Miersma
Unix System Administrator
University of Alberta Libraries
4-30 Cameron Library

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