[ovirt-users] heavy webadmin

Brett I. Holcomb biholcomb at l1049h.com
Mon Apr 4 16:11:43 EDT 2016

On Mon, 2016-04-04 at 14:51 -0400, Alexander Wels wrote:
> On Monday, April 04, 2016 02:34:33 PM you wrote:
> > It is a hosted engine setup with the host on a physical  server.  I
> > wasn't
> > aware  that the engine used the entropy.  What do
> > you  recommend  to fix
> > it?
> > 
> Okay, if it is a 3.6 then you should be able edit the hosted engine
> VM in the 
> UI itself. I haven't done any self hosted engine myself but there are
> some 
> things you can't edit, not sure if the rng is one of them. Anyway if
> you can 
> edit the hosted engine VM then open up the advanced options (bottom
> left 
> button in popup), then click the random generator side tab, and check
> the 
> random generator enabled button (if it is not checked already that
> is).
> As far as I know that should be enought to have the random passed
> from the 
> host to the VM and that should improve the entropy on the host
> engine. You 
> might have to restarted the hosted engine VM for it to take effect.
> If the above is not possible or doesn't work, I would go with yum
> install 
> haveged, then chkconfig haveged on, service haveged start or if it is
> centos 7 
> then its systemctl haveged enable and systemctl haveged start.
I've checked the box and restarte the vm from the host hosted-engine --
vm-shutdown and then --vm-start.  Entropy on host and engine still
around 200 and it's taking a while to change pages but not as long as
it did before so I may have to add haveged.  I'll watch it and see.
snipped below...
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