[ovirt-users] heavy webadmin

Alexander Wels awels at redhat.com
Tue Apr 5 10:04:44 EDT 2016

On Tuesday, April 05, 2016 03:58:37 PM Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
> Le 05/04/2016 14:30, Alexander Wels a écrit :
> >>>>>> 2. If you are running hosted engine, make sure you have enough
> >>>>>> entropy, the
> >>>>>> login page generates a couple of tokens using secure random,
> >>>>>> which
> >>>>>> eats away
> >>>>>> at your entropy budget heavily and since hosted engine is a VM
> >>>>>> it is
> >>>>>> possible
> >>>>>> that you don't have enough entropy. You can check your entropy
> >>>>>> level
> >>>>>> with
> >>>>>> this:
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
> >>>> 
> >>>> 159 is horrible to be honest, that is most likely the cause of your
> >>>> problems. Anything below around 300 is bad.
> Alex,
> I checked that on my engines, and the entropy is around 120.
> But those are NOT hosted.
> Can you confirm this lack of entropy enduces no slowness on dedicated
> engines?

Lack of entropy is what causes super slow login. I creates some tokens on 
login that use up entropy. However once you have logged in it re-uses the 
token and the entropy should not be an issue after that for the most part.

He didn't actually say but I suspect that after the initial minutes wait for 
the login, it was not THAT bad after that. Not like what we are seeing with 
your system.

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