[ovirt-users] looking for some ISV backup software which integrates the backup API

Nathanaël Blanchet blanchet at abes.fr
Tue Apr 5 14:32:36 EDT 2016


We are about to change our backup provider, and I find it is a great 
chance to choose a full supported ovirt backup solution.
I currently use this python script vm-backup-scheduler 
(https://github.com/wefixit-AT/oVirtBackup) but it is not the workflow 
officially suggested by the community 

I've been looking for a long time an ISV who supports such an API, but 
the only one I found  is this one :
Acronis Backup Advanced suggested here 
I ran the trial version, but it doesn't seem to do better than the 
vm-backup-scheduler script, and it doesn't seem to use the backup API 
(attach a clone as a disk to an existing vm).
Can you suggest me some other ISV solutions, if they ever exist... or 
share me your backup experience?

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