[ovirt-users] hosted-engine install stalls

Johan Vermeulen jameslast29 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 07:34:49 EDT 2016

Hello All,

my setup of a hosted engine on Centos7.2 hangs on : [ INFO  ] Connecting
Storage Pool
In the log file I see a lot of items with "ok":

*2016-04-20 13:04:01 DEBUG
storage._activateStorageDomain:1067 activateStorageDomain2016-04-20
13:04:01 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.storage.storage
heconflib.task_wait:283 Waiting for existing tasks to complete2016-04-20
13:04:01 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.storage.storage
storage._activateStorageDomain:1076 {'status': {'message': 'OK', 'code':
0}, 'spm_st': {'spmId': 1, 'spmStatus': 'SPM', 'spmLver': 2}}2016-04-20
13:04:01 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.storage.storage
storage._activateStorageDomain:1078 {'status': {'message': 'OK', 'code':
0}, 'info': {'name': 'No Description', 'isoprefix': '', 'pool_status':
'connected', 'lver': 2, 'spm_id': 1, 'master_uuid':
'4bec7cce-b3d4-4a46-a1db-c7829951ec89', 'version': '3', 'domains':
'type': 'POSIXFS', 'master_ver': 1}, 'dominfo':
{'4bec7cce-b3d4-4a46-a1db-c7829951ec89': {'status': 'Active', 'diskfree':
'1933926400', 'isoprefix': '', 'alerts': [], 'disktotal': '2046640128',
'version': 3}, 'c817a126-f45b-4f03-b44b-e6249ef214a7': {'status': 'Active',
'diskfree': '52560920576', 'isoprefix': '', 'alerts': [], 'disktotal':
'53660876800', 'version': 3}}}2016-04-20 13:04:01 DEBUG
storage._activateStorageDomain:1079 {'status': {'message': 'OK', 'code':
0}, '4bec7cce-b3d4-4a46-a1db-c7829951ec89': {'code': 0, 'actual': True,
'acquired': True, 'delay': '9.9272e-05', 'lastCheck': '0.3', 'version': 3,
'valid': True}, 'c817a126-f45b-4f03-b44b-e6249ef214a7': {'code': 0,
'actual': True, 'acquired': False, 'delay': '0.0889462', 'lastCheck':
'9.0', 'version': 3, 'valid': True}}2016-04-20 13:04:01 DEBUG otopi.context
context._executeMethod:142 Stage misc METHOD
13:04:01 DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.storage.heconf
heconflib.create_and_prepare_image:358 {'status': {'message': 'OK', 'code':
0}, 'uuid': '4835326e-5528-4c2f-831b-19dd323f1084'}2016-04-20 13:04:01
DEBUG otopi.plugins.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.storage.heconf
heconflib.create_and_prepare_image:372 Created configuration volume OK,
request was:- image: f48e629e-17b3-4849-871e-e5547dd8b031- volume:

but then it keeps displaying:

*2016-04-20 13:05:02 DEBUG
heconflib.task_wait:283 Waiting for existing tasks to complete*

and that's it.

This is the summary of the install:

          --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--

          Bridge interface                   : enp13s0
          Engine FQDN                        : *********.ddns.net
          Bridge name                        : ovirtmgmt
          Host address                       : **********.ddns.net
          SSH daemon port                    : 8023
          Firewall manager                   : iptables
          Gateway address                    :
          Host name for web application      : ************
          Host ID                            : 1
          Image size GB                      : 25
          GlusterFS Share Name               : hosted_engine_glusterfs
          GlusterFS Brick Provisioning       : False
          Storage connection                 : ***********.ddns.net:
          Console type                       : qxl
          Memory size MB                     : 4096
          MAC address                        : 00:16:3e:4f:0e:31
          Boot type                          : cdrom
          Number of CPUs                     : 2
          ISO image (cdrom boot/cloud-init)  :
          CPU Type                           : model_Penryn

Thanks for any help on this issue.

greetings, J.
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