[ovirt-users] debuging Python SDK

Fabrice Bacchella fabrice.bacchella at orange.fr
Mon Apr 11 10:50:08 UTC 2016

>> It should be better if the given attribute name was given, it will save
>> me time.
> Unfortunately we can't improve that area of the code, because that
> "params.py" file is automatically generated using the generateDS.py
> tool, and those are the errors it generates.
> In version 4 of the SDK (which will work only with version 4 of the
> engine) we will use a different approach to generate the code, which
> will enable us to do improvements in this area.
> Are you still having trouble? Can you share the code that is causing the
> error?

After a few minutes of reflexion and deduction, I found where my mistake was, so I didn't loose too much time with this particular bug. I hope that I will not be bitten by an hard case before version 4 is out.

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