[ovirt-users] several questions about serial console

Nathanaël Blanchet blanchet at abes.fr
Fri Apr 15 15:27:14 UTC 2016

Hi all,

About serial console:

  * how to get out of a selectionned vm where we are on the login prompt
    (why not backing up to the vm menu) rather than killing the ssh
    process or closing the terminal? Usual "^] " doesn't work there.
  * according to

    # ssh -t -p 2222 ovirt-vmconsole@/MANAGER_IP/  --vm-name/vm1 /

         should allow to connect directly to a vm on its serial port, 
and it is very useful when there are a big number of vm. In reality, we 
get a SSH issue : "unknown option -- -"

  * if we want to add 5 users with UserVmManager role on 150 vms and I
    can't use group for this stuff, this means I need to do this with an
    ovirt-shell script like :
    # for i in $(cat /tmp/ids.ovirt); do for j in $(cat
    /tmp/list_all);do ovirt-shell -E "add permission --parent-vm-name $j
    --user-id $i --role-name UserVmManager"; done; done
    and 5*150 API connections only because I can't add several user ids
    on the same "add permission" line ? It's doable, but not not very
    convinient and very long if I have many more users to add.
  * Why can't we add permission by user-name and not user-id ?

Thnak you for your help.

Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
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blanchet at abes.fr

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