[ovirt-users] Help! My hosted engine lost his nic!

Cristian Mammoli c.mammoli at apra.it
Fri Dec 2 16:03:28 UTC 2016

Out of desperation i added the missing section int the OVF I extracted 
and "tarred" it back to the storage domain. The nic now is back...

I don't know if the query you suggested still make sense now... :/
Anyway I don't have any nic in the gui even now

[root at ovengine ~]#  sudo -u postgres psql engine -c "select * from 
vm_device where type='interface' and 
could not change directory to "/root"
               device_id               | vm_id                 |   
type    | device |                           
address                            | boot_order | spec_params | 
is_managed | is_plugged | is_readonly |         _create_date          | 
_update_date | alias | custom_properties | snaps
hot_id | logical_name | is_using_scsi_reservation
  6207e0d7-4dc9-406d-ab99-3facf45788f4 | 
497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e | interface | bridge | {slot=0x04, 
bus=0x00, domain=0x0000, type=pci, function=0x0} |          0 | { 
}         | f          | t          | f           | 2016-12-02 
01:46:42.999885+01 |              | net0 |                   |
        |              | f
(1 row)

[root at ovengine ~]#     sudo -u postgres psql engine -c "select * from 
vms where vm_guid='497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e'"
could not change directory to "/root"
    vm_name    | mem_size_mb | num_of_io_threads | nice_level | 
cpu_shares |               vmt_guid               | os | description | 
free_text_comment |             vds_group_id             | 
creation_date        | auto_startup | is_stateless | 
is_smartcard_enabled | is_delete_protected | sso_method  |
  dedicated_vm_for_vds | fail_back | default_boot_sequence | vm_type | 
vm_pool_spice_proxy | vds_group_name | transparent_hugepages | 
trusted_service |           storage_pool_id            | 
storage_pool_name |   vds_group_description    | 
vds_group_spice_proxy     | vmt_name | vmt_mem_size_mb | vmt_os |
  vmt_creation_date    | vmt_child_count | vmt_num_of_sockets | 
vmt_cpu_per_socket | vmt_threads_per_cpu | vmt_num_of_cpus | 
vmt_description | status |     vm_ip     | vm_ip_inet_array | 
vm_host      | vm_pid | last_start_time | guest_cur_user_name | 
console_cur_user_name |          guest_os          | co
nsole_user_id | guest_agent_nics_hash | run_on_vds              | 
migrating_to_vds | app_list | vm_pool_name | vm_pool_id |
           vm_guid                | num_of_monitors | single_qxl_pci | 
allow_console_reconnect | is_initialized | num_of_sockets | 
cpu_per_socket | threads_per_cpu | usb_policy | acpi_enable | session | 
num_of_cpus | quota_id | quota_name | quota_enforcement_type | 
kvm_enable | boot_sequence | utc_diff | last_
vds_run_on | client_ip | guest_requested_memory | time_zone | cpu_user | 
cpu_sys | memory_usage_history 
|                                            cpu_usage_history
| network_usage_history                              | elapsed_time | 
usage_network_percent | disks_usage                              | 
usage_mem_percent | migration_progress_percent | usage_cpu_percent | 
run_on_vds_name |    vds_group_cpu_name    | de
fault_display_type | priority | iso_path | origin | 
vds_group_compatibility_version | initrd_url | kernel_url | 
kernel_params | pause_status | exit_message | exit_status | 
migration_support | predefined_properties | userdefined_properties | 
min_allocated_mem |         hash         | cpu_pinning | db_generatio
n | host_cpu_flags | tunnel_migration | vnc_keyboard_layout | 
is_run_and_pause | created_by_user_id | last_watchdog_event | 
last_watchdog_action | is_run_once |      vm_fqdn      | cpu_name | 
emulated_machine | current_cd | reason | exit_reason | instance_type_id 
| image_type_id | architecture | original_temp
late_id | original_template_name |       last_stop_time       | 
migration_downtime | template_version_number | serial_number_policy | 
custom_serial_number | is_boot_menu_enabled | guest_cpu_count | 
next_run_config_exists | numatune_mode | is_spice_file_transfer_enabled 
| is_spice_copy_paste_enabled |
    cpu_profile_id            | is_auto_converge | is_migrate_compressed 
| custom_emulated_machine | custom_cpu_name | spice_port | 
spice_tls_port | spice_ip | vnc_port |     vnc_ip     | 
guest_agent_status | guest_mem_buffered | guest_mem_cached | 
guest_mem_free |            small_icon_id             |
      large_icon_id             | provider_id | 
console_disconnect_action | guest_timezone_offset | guest_timezone_name 
| guestos_arch | guestos_codename | guestos_distribution |   
guestos_kernel_version   | guestos_type | guestos_version
  HostedEngine |        6144 |                 0 |          0 |          
0 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |  0 |             
|                   | 00000002-0002-0002-0002-0000000000ca | 2015-11-03 
16:54:06.536+01 | f            | f            | f                    | 
f                   | guest_agent |
                       | f         |                     0 |       1 
|                     | Default        | t                     | 
f               | 00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000296 | 
Default           | The default server cluster | 
http://ovengine.omme.net:3128 | Blank    |            1024 |      0 | 2
008-03-31 23:00:00+02 |              11 |                  1 
|                  1 |                   1 |               1 | Blank 
template  |      1 | | {}  | 
ovengine.omme.net |        |                 | root 
|                       | 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 |
               |            1234360272 | 
572aa833-37fb-4c4b-9576-9d367def2d04 |                  | 
|              |            | 497f
5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e |               1 | f | 
f                       | f              |              2 |              
1 |               1 |          1 | t |       0 |           2 |          
| |                      0 | t          |             0 |        0 |
            |           |                        | Etc/GMT   | 16 
|       1 | 
|        55056 |                     0 | 
|                37 |                          0 |                 8 | 
kvm02           | Intel SandyBridge Family |
                  0 |        1 |          |      6 | 
3.6                             |            | |               
|            5 |              |           0 |                 1 
|                       | |              6144 | -1125579430873805323 | 
|            2
2 | f              |                  |                     | 
f                |                    | |                      | 
f           | ovengine.omme.net | |                  |            
|        |          -1 |                  |               |            1 |
         |                        | 2016-11-29 11:37:07.501+01 
|               1000 |                       1 |                      
|                      | f |               2 | f                      | 
interleave    | t                              | 
t                           | 0000000e
-000e-000e-000e-000000000039 | |                       | 
pc                      | |            |                |          |     
5900 | kvm02.omme.net |                  0 |             102080 
|           846088 |        3916916 | 
1807edab-f180-4268-b364-c6cc9b65b602 | 0330e1
6e-25c4-458d-8741-17c92d160d6a |             | LOCK_SCREEN               
|                    60 | Europe/Rome         |            1 | 
Core             | centos               | 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 | 
Linux        | 7.2.1511
(1 row)

[root at ovengine ~]#

Il 01/12/2016 18:11, Simone Tiraboschi ha scritto:
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Cristian Mammoli <c.mammoli at apra.it 
> <mailto:c.mammoli at apra.it>> wrote:
>     Here it is:
>     http://cloud.apra.it/index.php/s/4cdcde8cafdb7a1c2c2374b02dce118e
>     <http://cloud.apra.it/index.php/s/4cdcde8cafdb7a1c2c2374b02dce118e>
>     I tarred all the agent.log on both servers.
>     The engine was running on kvm01 and got shutdown on kvm01 around
>     10:35 AM on 29 November. But I think that's not the problem, it is
>     supposed to shut down if the host can't reach the gateway.
>     Probably the nic problem was already there but got triggered on reboot
>     Btw I kept digging: I extracted the ovf from which vm.conf is
>     generated:
>     ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.ovf.ovf_store.OVFStore::(getEngineVMOVF)
>     OVF_STORE volume path:
>     /rhev/data-center/mnt/blockSD/2c3585cc-b7bc-4881-85b3-aa6514991a26/images/9c5e2121-f1a3-4886-964c-c74fdfbbb3c1/ff765055-09c5-4b05-9cc7-5277b15c5d08
>     # tar xvf
>     /rhev/data-center/mnt/blockSD/2c3585cc-b7bc-4881-85b3-aa6514991a26/images/9c5e2121-f1a3-4886-964c-c74fdfbbb3c1/ff765055-09c5-4b05-9cc7-5277b15c5d08
>     497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e.ovf
>     info.json
>     In the ovf file there is no Nic section...
> Ciao Cristian,
> do you see any interface for the engine VM in the engine admin portal?
> Could you please execute this on the engine VM and share its output?
>     sudo -u postgres psql engine -c "select * from vm_device where 
> type='interface' and vm_id='497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e'"
>     sudo -u postgres psql engine -c "select * from vms where 
> vm_guid='497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e'"
> thanks
>     I uploaded the ovf on the same share as the logs
>     Ty
>     Il 01/12/2016 15:26, Yedidyah Bar David ha scritto:
>         On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Cristian Mammoli
>         <c.mammoli at apra.it <mailto:c.mammoli at apra.it>> wrote:
>             Hi, I upgraded an oVirt installation a month ago to the
>             latest 3.6.7. Before
>             it was 3.6.0 if I remember correctly.
>             Everything went fine so far for a month or so.
>             A couple of days ago the the default gateway got rebooted
>             and the physical
>             server hosting the HE decided to shut down the vm because
>             it could not ping
>             the gateway.
>             The other host restarted the hevm but it now has *no nic*.
>             As a workaround I attached a virtio nic via virsh but
>             every time the vm gets
>             restarted the nic get lost
>             After a bit of troubleshooting and digging this is what I
>             found:
>             This is the /var/run/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/vm.conf which,
>             as far as I
>             understand, gets extracted from the HE storage domain
>             emulatedMachine=pc
>             vmId=497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e
>             smp=2
>             memSize=6144
>             spiceSecureChannels=smain,sdisplay,sinputs,scursor,splayback,srecord,ssmartcard,susbredir
>             vmName=HostedEngine
>             display=vnc
>             devices={index:0,iface:virtio,format:raw,bootOrder:1,address:{slot:0x06,bus:0x00,domain:0x0000,type:pci,function:0x0},volumeID:bb3218ba-cbe9-4cd0-b50b-931deae992f7,imageID:d65b82e2-2ad1-
>             4f4f-bfad-0277c37f2808,readonly:false,domainID:2c3585cc-b7bc-4881-85b3-aa6514991a26,deviceId:d65b82e2-2ad1-4f4f-bfad-0277c37f2808,poolID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,device:disk,
>             shared:exclusive,propagateErrors:off,type:disk}
>             devices={index:2,iface:ide,shared:false,readonly:true,deviceId:8c3179ac-b322-4f5c-9449-c52e3665e0ae,address:{controller:0,target:0,unit:0,bus:1,type:drive},device:cdrom,path:,type:disk}
>             devices={device:cirrus,alias:video0,type:video,deviceId:a99468b6-02d4-4a77-8f94-e5df806030f6,address:{slot:0x02,bus:0x00,domain:0x0000,type:pci,function:0x0}}
>             devices={device:virtio-serial,type:controller,deviceId:b7580676-19fb-462f-a61e-677b65ad920a,address:{slot:0x03,bus:0x00,domain:0x0000,type:pci,function:0x0}}
>             devices={device:usb,type:controller,deviceId:c63092b3-7bd8-4b54-bcd3-51f34dce478a,address:{slot:0x01,bus:0x00,domain:0x0000,type:pci,function:0x2}}
>             devices={device:ide,type:controller,deviceId:c77c2c01-6ccc-404b-b8d6-5a7f0631a52f,address:{slot:0x01,bus:0x00,domain:0x0000,type:pci,function:0x1}}
>             As you can see there is no nic, and there is no nic in the
>             qemu-kvm
>             command-line:
>             qemu     23290     1 14 00:23 ?        01:44:26
>             /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name
>             HostedEngine -S -machine
>             pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0,accel=kvm,usb=off -cpu
>             qemu64,-svm -m 6144 -realtime mlock=off -s
>             mp 2,sockets=2,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid
>             497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e
>             -smbios type=1,manufacturer=oVirt,product=oVirt
>             Node,version=7-2.1511.el7.centos.2.10,serial=4C4C4544-004B-571
>             0-8044-B9C04F5A3732,uuid=497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e
>             -no-user-config -nodefaults -chardev
>             socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/domain-HostedEngine/monitor.sock,serve
>             r,nowait -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc
>             base=2016-11-30T23:23:26,driftfix=slew -global
>             kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard -no-hpet -no-reboot -boot
>             strict=on -device
>               piix3-usb-uhci,id=usb,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1.0x2 -device
>             virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,max_ports=16,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
>             -drive
>             file=/var/run/vdsm/storage/2c3585cc-b7bc-4881-85b3-aa6514
>             991a26/d65b82e2-2ad1-4f4f-bfad-0277c37f2808/bb3218ba-cbe9-4cd0-b50b-931deae992f7,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0,format=raw,serial=d65b82e2-2ad1-4f4f-bfad-0277c37f2808,cache=none,werror=st
>             op,rerror=stop,aio=native -device
>             virtio-blk-pci,scsi=off,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6,drive=drive-virtio-disk0,id=virtio-disk0,bootindex=1
>             -drive if=none,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw
>             -device
>             ide-cd,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0
>             -chardev
>             socket,id=charchannel0,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channels/497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e.com.redhat.rhevm
>             .vdsm,server,nowait -device
>             virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=1,chardev=charchannel0,id=channel0,name=com.redhat.rhevm.vdsm
>             -chardev socket,id=charchannel1,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qem
>             u/channels/497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e.org.qemu.guest_agent.0,server,nowait
>             -device
>             virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=2,chardev=charchannel1,id=channel1,name=org.qemu.guest
>             _agent.0 -chardev
>             socket,id=charchannel2,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channels/497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e.org.ovirt.hosted-engine-setup.0,server,nowait
>             -device virtserialport,bus
>             =virtio-serial0.0,nr=3,chardev=charchannel2,id=channel2,name=org.ovirt.hosted-engine-setup.0
>             -vnc 0:0,password -device
>             cirrus-vga,id=video0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x2 -msg
>             timestamp=on
>             I extracted the vm.conf from the storage domain and the
>             nic is there:
>             mId=497f5e4a-0c76-441a-b72e-724d7092d07e
>             memSize=6144
>             display=vnc
>             devices={index:2,iface:ide,address:{ controller:0,
>             target:0,unit:0, bus:1,
>             type:drive},specParams:{},readonly:true,deviceId:857b98b3-cf43-4c2d-8061-e7f105234a65,path:,device:cdrom,shared
>             :false,type:disk}
>             devices={index:0,iface:virtio,format:raw,poolID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,volumeID:bb3218ba-cbe9-4cd0-b50b-931deae992f7,imageID:d65b82e2-2ad1-4f4f-bfad-0277c37f2808,specParams
>             :{},readonly:false,domainID:2c3585cc-b7bc-4881-85b3-aa6514991a26,optional:false,deviceId:d65b82e2-2ad1-4f4f-bfad-0277c37f2808,address:{bus:0x00,
>             slot:0x06, domain:0x0000, type:pci, funct
>             ion:0x0},device:disk,shared:exclusive,propagateErrors:off,type:disk,bootOrder:1}
>             devices={device:scsi,model:virtio-scsi,type:controller}
>             devices={nicModel:pv,macAddr:00:16:3e:7d:d8:27,linkActive:true,network:ovirtmgmt,filter:vdsm-no-mac-spoofing,specParams:{},deviceId:5be8a089-9f51-46dc-a8bd-28422985aa35,address:{bus:0x00
>             , slot:0x03, domain:0x0000, type:pci,
>             function:0x0},device:bridge,type:interface}
>             devices={device:console,specParams:{},type:console,deviceId:1644f556-a4ff-4c93-8945-5aa165de2a85,alias:console0}
>             vmName=HostedEngine
>             spiceSecureChannels=smain,sdisplay,sinputs,scursor,splayback,srecord,ssmartcard,susbredir
>             smp=2
>             cpuType=SandyBridge
>             emulatedMachine=pc
>             The local vm.conf gets continuosly overwritten but for
>             some reason the nic
>             line gets lost in the process.
>         Can you please check/share
>         /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/agent.log?
>         Preferably all of it (including backups)? Thanks.
>     -- 
>     Mammoli Cristian
>     System administrator
>     T. +39 0731 22911 <tel:%2B39%200731%2022911>
>     Via Brodolini 6 | 60035 Jesi (an)
>     _______________________________________________
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Mammoli Cristian
System administrator
T. +39 0731 22911
Via Brodolini 6 | 60035 Jesi (an)

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