[ovirt-users] Nagios/Icinga monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.5 released

René Koch rkoch at rk-it.at
Fri Feb 19 14:58:54 UTC 2016

I'm happy to announce version 1.5 of check_rhev3.

check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks, 
which is
used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and storage 
of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization 

Download this plugin from: 

For further information on how to install this plugin visit:

A detailed usage documentation can be found here:


- New features:
-   Set cluster to warning if host is in maintenance mode instead of 
critical (Issue #27)
-   New storage domain check: -s overall-usage (Issue #28)
-   Display more detailed information of host and vm status (Issue #35)

Bugs fixed:
-   Wrong CPU Usage on hypervisor maintenance (Issue #26)
-   Discrepancy in DataCenter Storage usage Output. (Issue #28)
-   Wrong CPU value for vms (Issue #29)
-   VM CPU usage graphs show values over 100% (Issue #33)
-   Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline (Issue #36)
-   align behaviour for check_statistics cpu to memory (Issue #39)

If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email:
rkoch at rk-it.at.

Thank you for using check_rhev3.


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