[ovirt-users] delete hang task

Nir Soffer nsoffer at redhat.com
Fri Feb 19 22:43:09 UTC 2016

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:25 PM, paf1 at email.cz <paf1 at email.cz> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm testing oVirt 3.6 for failover and have total issue.
> Snapshot VM  will hang on ZFS filesystem.

Can you open a bug for this with engine and vdsm logs?

> But the main questionis is : how can I cancel any unfinished tasks in ovirt
> ???

We don't support canceling tasks, but it is on our roadmap. New storage
tasks in 4.x should be cancelable.

> I didn't find any "normal" solution, except deleting record from ovirt DB
> manually

To abort current running tasks, you can restart vdsmd on the host running
the task. This should cause the task to fail on the engine side, and if all
goes well, engine will fail the current operation and clean up properly.

If engine did not clean up properly, you may need to use the unlock_entity tool
mentioned in this thread.

If the unlock_entity tool fails, you may need to unlock entities manually in the
database, or delete record from the database.


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