[ovirt-users] python floppy in RunOnce mode

Giulio Casella giulio at di.unimi.it
Thu Jan 7 06:09:40 EST 2016

Il 07/01/2016 11:25, Juan Hernández wrote:
> [...]
> The sysprep logic is only triggered once, the first time you start the
> VM. So you will need to create it again, set the initialization data and
> start it, basically repeat the steps that I suggested.
Yes, but the VMs belongs to a freshly created pool, never started before.

> There were some bugs around this behaviour, some still not fixed in 3.5,
> and it wasn't clear when the VM will use or not use sysprep, so we have
> introduced a flag to explicitly force use of sysprep.
> Please try to use this flag:
> action = params.Action(use_sysprep=True)
> vm.start(action)

Nice, use_sysprep=True did the trick!
I noticed also the flag use_cloud_init, I guess with same logic. I have 
to update my code accordingly.

Thank you again,
Giulio Casella

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