[ovirt-users] [ovirt-announce] [ANN] oVirt 3.6.2 Third Release Candidate is now available for testing

Gianluca Cecchi gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 09:56:06 EST 2016

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos at redhat.com>

> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Gianluca Cecchi <
> gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo at redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability
>>> of the Third Release Candidate of oVirt 3.6.2 for testing, as of January
>>> 20th, 2016
>> Tested successfully on CentOS 7.2 with SH Engine on NFS and verified
>> correct auto-import of SH Domain.
>> Hypervisor is a CentOS 7.2 VM inside Qemu/KVM in virt-manager (under my
>> laptop that is Fedora 23).
>> So it is a nested virtualization environment.
>> Some NOTES
>> 1) appliance
>> I see that the appliance rpm pulled in was
>>  ovirt-engine-appliance-3.6-20151216.1.el7.centos.noarch
>> I presumed it was not populated with correct rpms.
>> So in "hosted-engine --deploy" setup I used the appliance, but answered
>> Automatically execute engine-setup on the engine appliance on first boot
>> (Yes, No)[Yes]? No
>> I then connect to the appliance OS and configure 3.6-pre repo and run
>> yum update
>> Strange that this pulled in the package
>> ovirt-release36-003-1.noarch
>> and so the repo file was overwritten and was again 3.6 only and not
>> 3.6-pre.
>> I re-modified /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-3.6.repo re-adding the pre.
>> and finally
>> engine-setup
>> and successfully completed the final part on host.
>> 2) localtime on Engine was not asked but was set to UTC.
>> So
>> [root at shengine ~]# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome /etc/localtime
>> shutdown engine OS and after some minutes the VM came back online.
> You are right here: we are not copying the host timezone to the appliance:
> we can do it via cloud-init.
> Good catch!

OK, thanks.
BTW: I see that engine VM is run with option
-rtc base=2016-01-25T13:51:16,driftfix=slew -global
kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard -no-hpet

On hypervisor, a VM configured with Europe/Rome timezone, the related
process is this:

[root at ovc72 ~]# ps -ef|grep qemu
qemu      2995     1 12 14:51 ?        00:07:49 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name
HostedEngine ...

So what is the command run on host to set base= one hour before?

>> 5) The only "problem" (?) I see is this message that I don't understand.
>> On hypervisors
>> [root at ovc72 ~]# systemctl status ovirt-ha-agent -l
>> ● ovirt-ha-agent.service - oVirt Hosted Engine High Availability
>> Monitoring Agent
>>    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-ha-agent.service;
>> enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
>>    Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-01-25 11:02:56 CET; 1h 0min ago
>>  Main PID: 17138 (ovirt-ha-agent)
>>    CGroup: /system.slice/ovirt-ha-agent.service
>>            └─17138 /usr/bin/python
>> /usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/ovirt-ha-agent --no-daemon
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.storage_server.StorageServer:Connecting
>> storage server
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.storage_server.StorageServer:Refreshing the
>> storage domain
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine:Preparing
>> images
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.image.Image:Preparing images
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine:Reloading
>> vm.conf from the shared storage domain
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine.config:Trying
>> to get a fresher copy of vm configuration from the OVF_STORE
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> WARNING:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.ovf.ovf_store.OVFStore:Unable to find
>> Jan 25 12:03:27 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[17138]:
>> ovirt-ha-agent
>> ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine.config ERROR Unable
>> to get vm.conf from OVF_STORE, falling back to initial vm.conf
> We will let you edit some of the engine VM parameters from the engine
> itself.
> All the modification will be saved as OVF file on a special volume called
> OVF_STORE; when needed ovirt-ha-agent tries to get the up-to-date engine VM
> configuration from there and if there is any issue it falls back to the
> initial vm.conf from the setup time.
> The issue is that by default OVF_STORE gets populated only after 1 hour
> and so if you wait less than 1 hour you'll get that message since the
> OVF_STORE is still not there.

I confirm tat now (after also a full restart of engine and hos) I get no
more warnings:
It seems that after complete reboot of environment is not there anymore:
[root at ovc72 ~]# systemctl status ovirt-ha-agent -l
● ovirt-ha-agent.service - oVirt Hosted Engine High Availability Monitoring
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-ha-agent.service; enabled;
vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-01-25 14:46:45 CET; 7min ago
 Main PID: 1735 (ovirt-ha-agent)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ovirt-ha-agent.service
           └─1735 /usr/bin/python
/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/ovirt-ha-agent --no-daemon

Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.image.Image:Preparing images
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
vm.conf from the shared storage domain
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
to get a fresher copy of vm configuration from the OVF_STORE
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.ovf.ovf_store.OVFStore:Found OVF_STORE:
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.ovf.ovf_store.OVFStore:Found OVF_STORE:
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.ovf.ovf_store.OVFStore:Extracting Engine VM
OVF from the OVF_STORE
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.ovf.ovf_store.OVFStore:OVF_STORE volume
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
an OVF for HE VM, trying to convert
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
vm.conf from OVF_STORE
Jan 25 14:53:58 ovc72.localdomain.local ovirt-ha-agent[1735]:
INFO:ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.agent.hosted_engine.HostedEngine:Current state
EngineUp (score: 3400)

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