[ovirt-users] When debug vdsm branch 4.0, why there has some code will call function ping(self) in bindingxmlrpc.py cycle? Even the vdsm is not managed by ovirt-engine?

lifuqiong lifuqiong at cncloudsec.com
Tue Jul 26 01:26:04 EDT 2016


         I setup a breakpoint in Line 637 in bindingxmlrpc.py , which as
follows:  (branch:4.0; code url is:

636  def ping(self):

637     api = API.Global()

638     return api.ping()


         But even the vdsm is not managed by any ovirt-engine ,  the line
637 will be called many times, 


         I thought the ping() function will be called only when the
ovirt-engine will create connection with vdsm, so why it will be called


Thank you



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