[ovirt-users] ovirt and VLAN are not friends

Fabrice Bacchella fabrice.bacchella at orange.fr
Wed Mar 9 05:53:13 EST 2016

The logs are in a private mail.

I'm starting with a simple configuration.

2 interfaces (eth0 and eth1, consistent network device naming is disabled). eth0 got it's IP from DHCP in the native VLAN, eth1 is not configured. No jumbo frame

So there is no IP and no configuration yet for the tagged VLAN, I will configure that latter, and any way I don't intent to give them IP on the hosts, I just want to bring networks to the virtual machine.

> Le 9 mars 2016 à 11:42, Petr Horacek <phoracek at redhat.com> a écrit :
> Hello Fabrice,
> could you share /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log and /var/log/vdsm/supervdsm.log
> logs from the host with us? How did you configure IP for tagged
> networks, did you use the same subnets?
> Regards,
> Petr
> 2016-03-09 10:56 GMT+01:00 Fabrice Bacchella <fabrice.bacchella at orange.fr>:
>> I'm trying to bring some VLAN to ovirts hosts.
>> I have one native vlan and two tagged vlan.
>> When the tagged vlan are not configured in ovirt, I can add hosts easily. As soon as I add the two tagged one, every things run amok. New hosts network are broken, network configuration is untouched and the host is marked as non operationnal.

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