[ovirt-users] a KVM Host has different UUIDs ?

Jean-Pierre Ribeauville jpribeauville at axway.com
Mon Mar 14 09:34:34 EDT 2016


To clarify what I'm doing : 

I install   a piece of code within host that collect infos from Guest , host itself and  datacenters and cluster  IDs to whom  this host belongs
in order to build a tree view from the host point of view.

As I'm wishing to use this code whatever in which infra is included the KVM Host  ( RHEV ,  Standalone , Openstatck Compute node, .... ), I don't require any change in the UUIDs scheme but just try to use these ones in the most convenient way.

Thx for help.



-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Hernández [mailto:jhernand at redhat.com] 
Sent: lundi 14 mars 2016 10:01
To: Jean-Pierre Ribeauville; users at ovirt.org
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] a KVM Host has different UUIDs ?

On 03/11/2016 11:34 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville wrote:
> Hi,
> When retrieving KVM Host UUID   via     virsh  getcapabilities()  or via
>  ovirt Python SDK ( by using  obj.get_id() ), then both UUIDs are not 
> identical .
> (FYI, Guest UUIDs retrieved via both ways , i.e.
> virDomainGetUUIDString() or python ovirt sdk ,  are identical.)
> Did I miss something ?

This is normal, and expected. The host exists before it is added to the oVirt system, and already has an identifier. When it is added to the oVirt system it gets a new identifier assigned, for tracking it in the oVirt database. Those two identifiers are different.

On the other hand virtual machines are created by the oVirt system. It assign them an identifier for tracking in the oVirt database, and it happens to use the same identifier when asking libvirt to create the virtual machine.

Anyhow, you should not rely on these identifiers being the same, or different, as it is an implementation detail that may change in the future.

Is there any specific thing you are trying to achieve? If you share it we may be able to suggest a different approach.

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