[ovirt-users] MOM crashes ovirt-guest-agent

Andreas Trawöger andreas.trawoeger at qitasc.com
Fri Mar 18 08:00:38 EDT 2016


I'm trying to track down why my Foreman Centos7 VM continuously crashes with out of Memory errors on my ovirt-3.6 hosts and what seems to happen is the following:

1. The Foreman VM only uses 1GB at the beginning and MOM over time reduces the memory size from 8GB Ram to the defined minimum of 2GB

2016-03-18 12:25:42,669 - mom.Controllers.Balloon - INFO - Ballooning guest:qvie-foreman from 2210584 to 2100054

2. When the VM needs RAM very quickly like if you do an 'cp /dev/zero /run/zero' the ovirt guest agent crashes with an out of memory error.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/OVirtAgentLogic.py", line 239, in doWork
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/OVirtAgentLogic.py", line 355, in sendUserInfo
    cur_user = self.dr.getActiveUser()
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/GuestAgentLinux2.py", line 325, in getActiveUser
    users = os.popen('/usr/bin/users').read().split()
OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

3. Resulting in an MOM warning that it can't get any memory stats from the VM. Leaving the memory size at its minimum size:.


mom.Collectors.GuestMemory - WARNING - getVmMemoryStats() error: The ovirt-guest-agent is not active

Any chances to prevent that from happening? Or is this a bug in MOM / ovirt-guest-agent that should be fixed?



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