[ovirt-users] Shared storage between DC

Idan Shaby ishaby at redhat.com
Tue May 3 01:54:39 EDT 2016

Hi Arsène,

There's no way to have a storage domain that is available in one cluster
but not available in the other, in the same dc. It is by design.


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 6:39 PM, Arsène Gschwind <arsene.gschwind at unibas.ch>

> Hi Idan,
> Thanks a lot for your answer, that's clear now.
> I will change my setup and use 2 cluster in the same DC instead.
> In the case using 2 cluster in the same DC I've noticed that all Storage
> domain have to be available for all clusters, in my case I use SAN Storage.
> Is this by design or is there a way to have some Storage Domain only
> available on one cluster but not on the others?
> Regards,
> Arsène
> On 05/02/2016 02:33 PM, Idan Shaby wrote:
> Hi Arsène,
> The only storage domain that can be shared between datacenters is the iso
> domain
> But that's not what you're looking for. You can't share a data domain
> between two datacenters.
> As for importing a storage domain which is active on one datacenter to
> another datacenter, there are two cases:
> - If the datacenters are in the same oVirt setup, that won't be possible,
> and the operation will not be performed.
> - If the datacenters are in two different oVirt setups, the import to the
> second datacenter will succeed, but you will experience issues in the first
> datacenter.
> The reason for that is that the host in the second datacenter overrides
> the storage domain metadata when importing it.
> Therefore, you cannot import a storage domain to a second datacenter while
> it is active on the first one, anyway.
> Regards,
> Idan
> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Arsène Gschwind <
> arsene.gschwind at unibas.ch> wrote:
>> Hi Roberto,
>> Thanks for your information but....
>> When I'm writing about DC I mean defined DC in oVirt and so far I could
>> see that when you define a storage domain in one oVirt DC it will not be
>> available in another DC and I don't know what would happen if I would
>> import it on the second DC.
>> In your setup, did you just define 1 DC and multiple clusters?
>> Regards,
>> Arsène
>> On 05/01/2016 01:37 PM, NUNIN Roberto wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have in production the scenery something similar to what you've
>> described.
>> The "enabling factor" is represented by an "storage virtualization" set
>> of appliances, that maintain mirrored logical volume over fc physical
>> volumes across two distinct datacenters, while giving rw simultaneus access
>> to cluster hypervisors split between datacenters, that run the VMs.
>> So: cluster also is spread across dc, no need to import nothing.
>> Regards,
>> *Roberto*
>> Il giorno 01 mag 2016, alle ore 10:37, Arsène Gschwind <
>> arsene.gschwind at unibas.ch> ha scritto:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to have a shared Storage domain between 2 Datacenter in
>> oVirt?
>> We do replicate a FC Volume between 2 datacenter using FC SAN storage
>> technology and we have an oVirt cluster on each site defined in separate
>> DCs. The idea behind this is to setup a DR site and also balance the load
>> between each site.
>> What happens if I do import a storage domain already active in one DC,
>> will it break the Storage domain?
>> Thanks for any information..
>> Regards,
>> Arsène
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