[ovirt-users] Errors while trying to join an external LDPA provider

Alexis HAUSER alexis.hauser at telecom-bretagne.eu
Tue May 3 04:28:43 EDT 2016

>Are you sure you've specified correct CA?
>Can you try running this command:
>  LDAPTLS_CACERT=your_ldap_ca_cert.crt ldapsearch -H ldaps://@HOST@ -x 
>-D '@USERDN@' -w '@USERPW@' -b '@BASEDN@'
>If it fail then most probably you have incorrect CA certificate.
>If it succeed, please open bug in bugzilla with logs of setup tool if 

Oh I'm sorry, that was actually a certificate problem...

With the right certificate, I can now join the LDAP provider.

However, I can't login with any user...But with ldapsearch I can find those users with uid=user

I used ovirt-engine-extensions-tool aaa login-user  --profile=xxx --user-name=xxx
and I realize now what is the problem : the available namespaces shows the wrong dn. It should be instead one level above (or it will not possible to find the users)

Any idea how I can change that in the configuration ?

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