[ovirt-users] Snapshot is "Locked" - Can't do anything with the VM

Ivo Rütsche lists.ovirt.org at direct.ruetsche.com
Tue May 3 15:17:32 EDT 2016

I just do a full clone of the whole VM and the clone is running fine and 
have the last data on all disks.

gruss ivo

On 03.05.2016 20:12, Markus Stockhausen wrote:
> Hi,
> we've seen a lot of trouble when deleting snapshots of multidisk VMs.
> Especially endless running snapshot deletions is one of our culprits.
> More here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1319400
> Markus
> ________________________________________
> Von: users-bounces at ovirt.org [users-bounces at ovirt.org]" im Auftrag von "Ivo Rütsche [lists.ovirt.org at direct.ruetsche.com]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Mai 2016 19:23
> An: users at ovirt.org
> Betreff: [ovirt-users] Snapshot is "Locked" - Can't do anything with the VM
> Hi oVirt List
> We have the problem, that two of our VM's have "Locked" snapshots and we
> can't go forward. From 10 VM's which we move from one store to another,
> we have problems with 5 of them to delete the snapshots. But with a lot
> of luck, the snapshot was always on the dedicated Swap-Disk, so we just
> have to remove the whole disk and create it again as new.
> Because we replace all the filers, we have to move the VM's arround. The
> move itself runns fine, but deleting the snapshots doesn't work sometimes.
> I found a lot about our problem, but I can't find any solution, which
> works an our environment.
> Our setup:
> - 3 Solaris filer with NFS exports for the hosts for the vm-images
> - 8 hosts (oVirt 3.6 / Centos 7.2.1511)
> - The engine host is located outside of the DC, connected via VPN
> At the moment, one of the "problem-VM" is productive, the other should
> become productive in the next days, so we focus us to the 2nd VM,
> because we can play arround with them. The other one is startet up, but
> i have no idea, what happens, when i shut them down...
> This is the status today of VM, which is not productive at the moment:
> - VM Status: Down
> - Snapshots OK: 2
> - Snapshots Locked: 1
> - In the snapshot tab, everything is grayed out (Create, Preview,
> Commit, Undo etc.)
> - No active tasks are displayed
> Error message when i try to start the VM:
> "Cannot run VM. The VM is performing an operation on a Snapshot. Please
> wait for the operation to finish, and try again."
> Something about the history of this VM:
> 1. We start the disk move from filer1 to filer3, totaly 4 drives,
> everything was fine
> 2. Deleting snapshots, i think one or two runns fine
> 3. Deleting the 2nd or 3rd snapshot runs two days without an end
> 4. Rebooting the Engine
> 5. No task anymore in the Tasks list
> 6. The status of the snapshot is "Locked", die Disk of this snapshot
> becoms "Illegal" and red
> 7. Shutdown the VM -  no luck, i can't start it again --> "Cannot run
> VM. The VM is performing an operation on a Snapshot. Please wait for the
> operation to finish, and try again."
> 8. We move the disk back from filer3 to the filer1
> 9. The status of the snapshot is "Locked", die Disk of this snapshot
> becoms "OK" and green
> ...but i can't delete the snapshot or starting the VM :(
> Today, i copy the image files to a dedicated KVM host, which is not
> involved in the oVirt environment and i merge the image manualy together:
> qemu-img convert -p -f qcow2 804ffcc3-446f-4c56-ba99-ab90c7951a6f -O raw
> Merged1
> I mount the image and everything fine, all the changes from the last two
> days are now in a base image. I try to remove the whole disk in oVirt,
> but i still got the error message, that i have to wait. So for me, the
> next step is to create a new VM and migrate everything manualy, this
> will work, but can't be the solution for the other VM, which is
> productive and it have the same problem.
> Some information about:
> *****************
> [root at lin-ovirt7 images]# vdsm-tool dump-volume-chains
> d6e6656d-7aaf-4c5b-bb93-cd6134ed9654
> Images volume chains (base volume first)
>      image:    f3cfefd2-d467-41d5-a054-5b01f81a21b4
>                - a018521a-bd3a-4322-ac79-52d15e95639e
>                  status: OK, voltype: INTERNAL, format: RAW, legality:
>                - 2e2f0b4a-b015-4b50-8d10-51726de460a9
>                  status: OK, voltype: INTERNAL, format: COW, legality:
>                - 804ffcc3-446f-4c56-ba99-ab90c7951a6f
>                  status: OK, voltype: LEAF, format: COW, legality: LEGAL,
> type: SPARSE
> *****************
> [root at lin-ovirt7 images]# ls -altrh f3cfefd2-d467-41d5-a054-5b01f81a21b4/
> total 34G
> -rw-rw----+  1 vdsm kvm 1.0M  2. Mai 21:03
> a018521a-bd3a-4322-ac79-52d15e95639e.lease
> -rw-rw----+  1 vdsm kvm 1.0M  2. Mai 21:03
> 2e2f0b4a-b015-4b50-8d10-51726de460a9.lease
> -rw-r--r--+  1 vdsm kvm  260  2. Mai 21:03
> 804ffcc3-446f-4c56-ba99-ab90c7951a6f.meta
> -rw-rw----+  1 vdsm kvm 1.0M  2. Mai 21:03
> 804ffcc3-446f-4c56-ba99-ab90c7951a6f.lease
> -rw-rw----+  1 vdsm kvm 300G  2. Mai 22:26
> a018521a-bd3a-4322-ac79-52d15e95639e
> -rw-rw----+  1 vdsm kvm  77M  2. Mai 22:27
> 2e2f0b4a-b015-4b50-8d10-51726de460a9
> -rw-rw----+  1 vdsm kvm 3.5G  2. Mai 22:34
> 804ffcc3-446f-4c56-ba99-ab90c7951a6f
> -rw-r--r--+  1 vdsm kvm  364  2. Mai 22:34
> a018521a-bd3a-4322-ac79-52d15e95639e.meta
> -rw-r--r--+  1 vdsm kvm  264  2. Mai 22:34
> 2e2f0b4a-b015-4b50-8d10-51726de460a9.meta
> drwxr-xr-x+  2 vdsm kvm   11  2. Mai 22:34 .
> drwxr-xr-x+ 50 vdsm kvm   50  3. Mai 14:30 ..
> [root at lin-ovirt7 images]#
> *****************
> I attach some line from the engine.log, maybe someone can help, if you
> need more information everything is here.
> gruss ivo

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