[ovirt-users] [ovirt-devel] RFC - dropping ISO domain creation from engine-setup

Barak Korren bkorren at redhat.com
Sun May 22 02:15:12 EDT 2016

> Here the issue is different.
> when running engine-setup the WGT iso is injected while the iso domain is
> not yet active.
> At engine setup done, you'll have the engine, the inactive iso domain and
> the iso within it but only if you create the iso domain with engine-setup.
> If you run engine-setup, create your own iso domain, and then on upgrade you
> run again engine-setup, WGT is not uploaded there.
> So the existing WGT upload mechanism already is limited to only those
> installations born with iso domain creation on the same host.
> Since we have iso-uploader and we'll have in 4.1 the ISO uploaded from web
> ui, I really think this mechanism can be dropped since it covers only what
> it seems to be a corner case.

Having to upload system-provided ISOs manually make for a bad UX IMO,
we need a better solution for that (Say I want to upload the the ISOs
to my own ISO domain, where to I find them? how do I know the ones I
found match the oVirt version I have? This is a hassle, VMware has
VM->right-click->deploy guest tools).

So far we had at least one way to get around the hassle, before we
remove it, we need a better solution IMO.

Barak Korren
bkorren at redhat.com

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