[ovirt-users] Can't perform search after setting up an Active Directory

Alexis HAUSER alexis.hauser at telecom-bretagne.eu
Wed May 25 09:47:21 EDT 2016

>Can you please send what's happening during initialization of engine? 
>(logs right after ovirt-engine is restarted).

>Or run this command and send output of file 'login.log':

>  $ ovirt-engine-extensions-tool --log-level=FINEST --log-file=login.log 
>aaa login-user --profile=ad --user-name=some_user 

Yes, these are the logs when using the command you gave me, using the search user :

>> By the way, if I didn't rename my .profile and auth* files from my LDAP configuration, I had the LDAP namespace suggested by the web interface in my AD domain when trying to >>perform a search. Is that a bug ?

>Not sure I understand. The name of the profile could be whatever, so it 
>doesn't matter what is the name.

I meant I had to disable the LDAP (openLDAP) profile, renaming the file with .save so ovirt doesn't detect them. If both profiles are activated, ovirt-web interface propose me the DN of the LDAP into AD (in namespace field)... Is that a bug or normal behavior ?

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