[ovirt-users] failing update ovirt-engine on centos 7

Fabrice Bacchella fabrice.bacchella at orange.fr
Wed May 25 14:11:02 EDT 2016

> Le 25 mai 2016 à 17:25, Kapetanakis Giannis <bilias at edu.physics.uoc.gr> a écrit :
> On 25/05/16 17:59, Fabrice Bacchella wrote:
>> I have an dedicated machin to run ovirt-engine (not hosted). It's an up to date centos 7.2.1511
>> I installed ovirt 3.6.6 a few weeks ago (May 10 17:56:44 tells me yum.log)
>> Now, I'm trying a full yum update and getting :
>> # yum update
>> ....
>> Error: Package: ovirt-engine-tools- (@ovirt-3.6)
>>            Requires: ovirt-engine-tools-backup =
>>            Removing: ovirt-engine-tools-backup- (@ovirt-3.6)
>>                ovirt-engine-tools-backup =
>>            Updated By: ovirt-engine-tools-backup- (ovirt-3.6)
>>                ovirt-engine-tools-backup =
> Follow 3.6.6 release notes to update:
> https://www.ovirt.org/release/3.6.6/ <https://www.ovirt.org/release/3.6.6/>
> yum install  <http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release36.rpm>http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release36.rpm <http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release36.rpm>
> yum update ovirt\*setup\*
> and then run
> engine-setup to update the rest of the packages.

I have seen this doc.

It updates a few components and what about the others ? The readme talk about running engine-setup, but not that it will updates other packages. I thought that ovirt-engine is for engine setup, not upgrading.

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