[ovirt-users] Can't perform search after setting up an Active Directory

Alexis HAUSER alexis.hauser at telecom-bretagne.eu
Tue May 31 09:29:29 EDT 2016

>Until administrators will fix AD servers, in order to use SSL you can 
>temporarily use following setup:
> pool.default.serverset.single.server = AD1
>  pool.default.dc-resolve.enable = false
>  pool.default.ssl.startTLS = true
>But this is only temporary solution and you should switch back to 
>'srvrecord' until AD is fixed.

Thank you, this actually works. Yes, I'll remove it as soon as possible.

Now with RHEV + AD, it seems better than RHEV + LDAP for groups : it finds most of the groups a user belongs to. RHEV + LDAP is only able to find one group a user belongs to (which is not the same group found when I search the same user with ldapsearch...Still not able to solve that mystery....)

By the way, how would you change the default password associated with the .jks certificate automatically generated from the interactive setup ? 

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