[ovirt-users] Questions about AAA-JDBC -- user's setting their own password?

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Wed Nov 2 16:27:58 EDT 2016


I'm setting up a new ovirt-4 system on a single machine to replace my old
vmware-server single-system infrastructure.  I have a handful of users,
and I'd like to give them access to specific VM consoles (and possibly the
ability to start and stop the VMs).  I don't want to set up a whole
FreeIPA system, instead I'd like to use the AAA-JDBC extension.  But I
have a few questions that aren't really answered in the

1) The documentation talks about adding domains..  Must I do this or can I
just use the default (internal?) domain for my users?

2) I have a command-line interface to create new users -- is there any way
to do that in the UI?

3) Must I create groups via the command line or can I create those in the
UI?  If I have to create them in the CLI, must I manage the group
membership on the command line, too?

4) Most importantly, is there any way for my users to change their
AAA-JDBC passwords via the web UI?  Some of my users are halfway around
the world, so there's really no way I can sit with them on the command
line to let them set their password.  I couldn't find anything in the
documentation about this, and indeed couldn't find anything in my (granted
limited) search of the web interface.  Personally I would have considered
this a required feature that (IMNSHO) would have blocked a release.


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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