[ovirt-users] desktop version of client?

Yedidyah Bar David didi at redhat.com
Thu Nov 3 02:00:40 EDT 2016

On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 10:47 PM, Amy Morrisson <amymorr9192 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there,
> I'm looking for some kind of desktop client for ovirt. I believe as per what
> I've seen that there's nothing official so I'm looking for any other options
> (even if it's an own development). As a last resource we can use the web
> admin but the purpose is to have a few thin clients which would start the
> client at boot time so it's more confortable for users, plus most times the
> web admin becomes slow after a while.
> I'm not sure if something like this exists. In any case thanks for any tip.
> By the way, we're using ovirt 3.6.7, fwiw.

There is gnome-boxes, that in principle has support for ovirt.

I tried it, and noticed it tries to connect to /api instead of
/ovirt-engine/api - former was removed in 4.0. Tried to fix this
but it still didn't work, so filed this bug:



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