[ovirt-users] hosted-engine cant access engine appliance

Florian Nolden f.nolden at xilloc.com
Fri Nov 4 10:50:40 EDT 2016

Hello Steffen,

can your nodes resolve the FQDN "ovirtengine.com" to the hosted engine ip (
nslookup ovirtengine.com) ?
If that works have you tried to disable the firewall temporarily?

2016-11-04 14:11 GMT+01:00 Steffen Nolden <
steffen.nolden at alumni.fh-aachen.de>:

> Hello,
> i tried to deploy hosted-engine on a testing environment. First of all i
> tried to deploy with the option
>     "Automatically execute engine-setup on the engine appliance on first
> boot (Yes, No)[Yes]? Yes"
> but it got stuck.
> [ INFO  ] Running engine-setup on the appliance
> [ ERROR ] Engine setup got stuck on the appliance
> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Engine setup is stalled on
> the appliance since 600 seconds ago. Please check its log on the appliance.
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
> [ INFO  ] Generating answer file '/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-
> setup/answers/answers-20161104112913.conf'
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
> [ ERROR ] Hosted Engine deployment failed: this system is not reliable,
> please check the issue,fix and redeploy
>           Log file is located at /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-s
> etup/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-20161104110104-kyhq1e.log
> Next try i said 'No' and i tried to execute it myself. But i can't access
> the engine appliance.
>     [nolden at oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo hosted-engine --console
>     /usr/share/vdsm/vdsClient.py:33: DeprecationWarning: vdscli uses
> xmlrpc. since ovirt 3.6 xmlrpc is deprecated, please use vdsm.jsonrpcvdscli
>        from vdsm import utils, vdscli, constants
>     The engine VM is running on this host
>     Verbunden mit der Domain: HostedEngine
>     Escape-Zeichen ist ^]
>     Fehler: Interner Fehler: Charakter-Einheit console0 verwendet nicht
> ein PTY
> Additionally i can't ping or access the engine appliance via ssh.
> Did i forget to install a packege or configure something?
> Below my infrastructure and configs. Attached the log file.
> Thanks for help.
> My infrastructure is a nestedVM system:
> All systems have nested visualization activated
> HW with LinuxMint x86_64;
> - VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 24GB Ram; 7 cores;
>     - Nested VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 12288GB Ram; 4 cores; Hostname:
> oVirtNode01.com ( Here i deploy hosted-engine, Hostname:
> oVirtEngine.com (
>     - Nested VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 4096GB  Ram; 1 cores; Hostname:
> oVirtNode02.com (
>     - Nested VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 4096GB  Ram; 1 cores; Hostname:
> oVirtNode03.com (
> All three NestedVMs are updated, have installed the ovirt-release40.rpm.
> Additional installed:
> screen (4.1.0), ovirt-hosted-engine-setup (, vdsm-gluster
> (4.18.13), bridge-utils (1.5),
> vdsm (4.18.13), vdsm-cli (4.18.13), glusterfs-server (3.7.16), samba.
> First NestedVM additional installed ovirt-engine-appliance
> 4.0-20160928.1.el7.centos
> The three VMs building a glusterfs volume "engine" 3 replica, with the
> options...
> Volume Name: engine
> Type: Replicate
> Volume ID: e92849b7-af3b-4ccd-bd0d-69a5ab3b6214
> Status: Started
> Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: oVirtNode01.com:/gluster/engine/brick1
> Brick2: oVirtNode02.com:/gluster/engine/brick1
> Brick3: oVirtNode03.com:/gluster/engine/brick1
> Options Reconfigured:
> auth.allow: 192.168.122.*
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> performance.readdir-ahead: on
> ## Session 1 (hosted-engine deploy without automatically execute
> engine-setup)
> [nolden at oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo hosted-engine --deploy
> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_hosted_engine_ha/lib/storage_backends.py:15:
> DeprecationWarning: vdscli uses xmlrpc. since ovirt 3.6 xmlrpc is
> deprecated, please use vdsm.jsonrpcvdscli
>   import vdsm.vdscli
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Initializing
> [ INFO  ] Generating a temporary VNC password.
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
>           During customization use CTRL-D to abort.
>           Continuing will configure this host for serving as hypervisor
> and create a VM where you have to install the engine afterwards.
>           Are you sure you want to continue? (Yes, No)[Yes]:
> [ INFO  ] Hardware supports virtualization
>           Configuration files: []
>           Log file: /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-s
> etup/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-20161104123834-chwikf.log
>           Version: otopi-1.5.2 (otopi-1.5.2-1.el7.centos)
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment packages setup
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Programs detection
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
> [ INFO  ] Generating libvirt-spice certificates
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment customization
>           --== STORAGE CONFIGURATION ==--
>           Please specify the storage you would like to use (glusterfs,
> iscsi, fc, nfs3, nfs4)[nfs3]: glusterfs
> [ INFO  ] Please note that Replica 3 support is required for the shared
> storage.
>           Please specify the full shared storage connection path to use
> (example: host:/path): oVirtNode01.com:/engine
> [ INFO  ] GlusterFS replica 3 Volume detected
> [ INFO  ] Installing on first host
> [ INFO  ] GlusterFS replica 3 Volume detected
>           --== SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ==--
>           --== NETWORK CONFIGURATION ==--
>           iptables was detected on your computer, do you wish setup to
> configure it? (Yes, No)[Yes]: No
>           Please indicate a pingable gateway IP address []:
>           Please indicate a nic to set ovirtmgmt bridge on: (eth0) [eth0]:
>           --== VM CONFIGURATION ==--
>           Booting from cdrom on RHEL7 is ISO image based only, as cdrom
> passthrough is disabled (BZ760885)
>           Please specify the device to boot the VM from (choose disk for
> the oVirt engine appliance)
>           (cdrom, disk, pxe) [disk]:
>           Please specify the console type you would like to use to connect
> to the VM (vnc, spice) [vnc]:
> [ INFO  ] Detecting available oVirt engine appliances
>           The following appliance have been found on your system:
>               [1] - The oVirt Engine Appliance image (OVA) -
> 4.0-20160928.1.el7.centos
>               [2] - Directly select an OVA file
>           Please select an appliance (1, 2) [1]:
> [ INFO  ] Verifying its sha1sum
> [ INFO  ] Checking OVF archive content (could take a few minutes depending
> on archive size)
> [ INFO  ] Checking OVF XML content (could take a few minutes depending on
> archive size)
> [WARNING] OVF does not contain a valid image description, using default.
>           Would you like to use cloud-init to customize the appliance on
> the first boot (Yes, No)[Yes]?
>           Would you like to generate on-fly a cloud-init ISO image (of
> no-cloud type)
>           or do you have an existing one (Generate, Existing)[Generate]?
>           Please provide the FQDN you would like to use for the engine
> appliance.
>           Note: This will be the FQDN of the engine VM you are now going
> to launch,
>           it should not point to the base host or to any other existing
> machine.
>           Engine VM FQDN: (leave it empty to skip):  []: oVirtEngine.com
>           Automatically execute engine-setup on the engine appliance on
> first boot (Yes, No)[Yes]? No
>           Please provide the domain name you would like to use for the
> engine appliance.
>           Engine VM domain: [com]
>           Enter root password that will be used for the engine appliance
> (leave it empty to skip):
>           Confirm appliance root password:
>           The following CPU types are supported by this host:
>                - model_SandyBridge: Intel SandyBridge Family
>                - model_Westmere: Intel Westmere Family
>                - model_Nehalem: Intel Nehalem Family
>                - model_Penryn: Intel Penryn Family
>                - model_Conroe: Intel Conroe Family
>           Please specify the CPU type to be used by the VM
> [model_SandyBridge]:
>           Please specify the number of virtual CPUs for the VM (Defaults
> to appliance OVF value): [4]: 3
> [WARNING] Minimum requirements for disk size not met
>           You may specify a unicast MAC address for the VM or accept a
> randomly generated default [00:16:3e:2a:82:17]:
>           Please specify the memory size of the VM in MB (Defaults to
> maximum available): [10880]: 8144
>           How should the engine VM network be configured (DHCP,
> Static)[DHCP]? Static
>           Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM
> []:
> [ INFO  ] The engine VM will be configured to use
>           Please provide a comma-separated list (max 3) of IP addresses of
> domain name servers for the engine VM
>           Engine VM DNS (leave it empty to skip) []:
>           Add lines for the appliance itself and for this host to
> /etc/hosts on the engine VM?
>           Note: ensuring that this host could resolve the engine VM
> hostname is still up to you
>           (Yes, No)[No] Yes
>           Enter engine admin password:
>           Confirm engine admin password:
>           Enter the name which will be used to identify this host inside
> the Administrator Portal [hosted_engine_1]:
>           Please provide the name of the SMTP server through which we will
> send notifications [localhost]:
>           Please provide the TCP port number of the SMTP server [25]:
>           Please provide the email address from which notifications will
> be sent [root at localhost]:
>           Please provide a comma-separated list of email addresses which
> will get notifications [root at localhost]:
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Setup validation
>           --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--
>           Bridge interface                   : eth0
>           Engine FQDN                        : oVirtEngine.com
>           Bridge name                        : ovirtmgmt
>           Host address                       : oVirtNode01
>           SSH daemon port                    : 22
>           Gateway address                    :
>           Host name for web application      : hosted_engine_1
>           Storage Domain type                : glusterfs
>           Host ID                            : 1
>           Image size GB                      : 10
>           Storage connection                 : oVirtNode01.com:/engine
>           Console type                       : vnc
>           Memory size MB                     : 8144
>           MAC address                        : 00:16:3e:2a:82:17
>           Boot type                          : disk
>           Number of CPUs                     : 3
>           OVF archive (for disk boot)        :
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.
> 0-20160928.1.el7.centos.ova
>           Appliance version                  : 4.0-20160928.1.el7.centos
>           CPU Type                           : model_SandyBridge
>           Please confirm installation settings (Yes, No)[Yes]:
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Transaction setup
> ...
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Closing up
>           The following network ports should be opened:
>               tcp:5900
>               tcp:5901
>               tcp:9090
>               udp:5900
>               udp:5901
>           An example of the required configuration for iptables can be
> found at:
>               /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/iptables.example
>           In order to configure firewalld, copy the files from
>           /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/firewalld to /etc/firewalld/services
>           and execute the following commands:
>               firewall-cmd -service hosted-cockpit
>               firewall-cmd -service hosted-console
> [ INFO  ] Creating VM
>           You can now connect to the VM with the following command:
>               hosted-engine --console
>           You can also graphically connect to the VM from your system with
> the following command:
>               remote-viewer vnc://oVirtNode01:5900
>           Use temporary password "2263CpET" to connect to vnc console.
>           Please ensure that your Guest OS is properly configured to
> support serial console according to your distro documentation.
>           Follow http://www.ovirt.org/Serial_Co
> nsole_Setup#I_need_to_access_the_console_the_old_way for more info.
>           If you need to reboot the VM you will need to start it manually
> using the command:
>           hosted-engine --vm-start
>           You can then set a temporary password using the command:
>           hosted-engine --add-console-password
>           Please install and setup the engine in the VM.
>           You may also be interested in installing
> ovirt-guest-agent-common package in the VM.
>           The VM has been rebooted.
>           To continue please install oVirt-Engine in the VM
>           (Follow http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide for more info).
>           Make a selection from the options below:
>           (1) Continue setup - oVirt-Engine installation is ready and
> ovirt-engine service is up
>           (2) Abort setup
>           (3) Power off and restart the VM
>           (4) Destroy VM and abort setup
>           (1, 2, 3, 4)[1]:
> ## Session 2
> [nolden at oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo hosted-engine --console
> /usr/share/vdsm/vdsClient.py:33: DeprecationWarning: vdscli uses xmlrpc.
> since ovirt 3.6 xmlrpc is deprecated, please use vdsm.jsonrpcvdscli
>   from vdsm import utils, vdscli, constants
> The engine VM is running on this host
> Verbunden mit der Domain: HostedEngine
> Escape-Zeichen ist ^]
> Fehler: Interner Fehler: Charakter-Einheit console0 verwendet nicht ein PTY
> [nolden at oVirtNode01 ~]$ ssh root at oVirtEngine.com
> ssh: connect to host ovirtengine.com port 22: No route to host
> ## Back to session 1
> ...
>           (1, 2, 3, 4)[1]: 1
>           Checking for oVirt-Engine status at oVirtEngine.com...
> [ INFO  ] Engine is still unreachable
>           oVirt-Engine health status page is not yet reachable.
>           The VM has been rebooted.
>           To continue please install oVirt-Engine in the VM
>           (Follow http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide for more info).
>           Make a selection from the options below:
>           (1) Continue setup - oVirt-Engine installation is ready and
> ovirt-engine service is up
>           (2) Abort setup
>           (3) Power off and restart the VM
>           (4) Destroy VM and abort setup
>           (1, 2, 3, 4)[1]: 2
> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Setup aborted by user
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
> [ INFO  ] Generating answer file '/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-
> setup/answers/answers-20161104130223.conf'
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
> [ ERROR ] Hosted Engine deployment failed: this system is not reliable,
> please check the issue,fix and redeploy
>           Log file is located at /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-s
> etup/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-20161104123834-chwikf.log
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