[ovirt-users] 3.6 to 4.0 Functionality Elevation

Maor Lipchuk mlipchuk at redhat.com
Sun Nov 6 06:52:19 EST 2016

Hi Clint,
See my comments inline


On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 1:51 PM, Clint Boggio <cboggio at inlinenetworks.com>

> Greetings OVirt Community
> I have a production system that started life as a OV 3.6 system, and I've
> recently upgraded the engine to 4.0. I see in the cluster config, a
> configuration element that indicates the cluster functionality level. It
> has a drop down that allows me to toggle between 3.6, and 4.0.
> If I select 4.0 and save, what potential problems could I expect ?
> Setup;
> 1 Dedicated engine CentOS7 OV version 4
> 6 hosts running CentOS7 and OV version 4.0 and 3.6 repos.

If your hosts are already EL7, you can take a look at the upgrade manager
see also the following demo video:

Otherwise you'll have to reinstall hosts with EL7 one by one.

After all the hosts were upgraded you simply need to change all your
clusters' compatibility level to 4.0 and finally the Data Center's
compatibility level to 4.0.

> Main data domain is iscsi over IB.
> ISO and all other data domains are  NFS over IB
Regarding your Storage Domains (ISO, NFS, iSCSI) there shoul not be any
additional changes as far as I know since all of them will use the same
version (V3) for engine 3.6 and 4.0.

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