[ovirt-users] Windows guests

Roy Golan rgolan at redhat.com
Tue Oct 25 04:36:05 EDT 2016

Hi Vasily,

The comparison is windows on bare-metal to windows guest?  I can't even
start answering without info about the VM OS, the host OS and hardware, and
the laptop info as well.


2016-10-20 17:45 GMT+03:00 vasily.lamykin at MegaFon.ru <
vasily.lamykin at megafon.ru>:

> I have windows vm and physical machine
> On benchmark test CPU,HDD. VM cause more faster result than Physical(VM
> running on enterprise server, physical – simply laptop)
> But 1 test failed.
> I run bat script, which doing dummy incremental operation in loop.
> <code>
> @echo %time% start
> @set /a lcount=0
> @set /a lmax=199999
> @set /a tst=lmax+1
> :lstart
> @set /a lcount=lcount+1
> @if not %lcount%==%lmax% goto lstart
> @echo dummy|set /p dummy=Done looping %tst% times at
> @echo %time% stop
> </code>
> And physical laptop faster than vm in 2x.
> Why? How can I improve this test for vm?
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