[ovirt-users] ovirt homeserver

Beckman, Daniel Daniel.Beckman at ingramcontent.com
Fri Oct 28 15:26:14 EDT 2016

Hi David,

Since you mention this is for testing and learning the technology, I’d go with option #2. You’ll lose some performance but that shouldn’t matter for your purposes, and you’ll gain a lot of flexibility.

KVM is a basic building block for oVirt and Openstack. It’s a valuable skill set to have, even outside of RH based distributions. It’s fairly simple to troubleshoot, there’s not so many moving parts. It’s like a reliable old car with a stick shift and roll-up windows.

If you only have one physical server at your disposal and you choose option #1, then you have to use a self-hosted engine. I personally don’t like the self-hosted engine. That could be due to some bad experiences early in its history, and maybe it’s much improved with oVirt 4.x.  But I’d much rather have a plain old KVM VM (for the oVirt engine) that I can make a clone or snapshot of.  That has saved me from rebuilding many times.

I’ve never used GPU pass-through; hopefully someone else can address that.

Yes, CentOS is your best bet; stick with the default kernel. You could use Fedora if you’re adventurous but I don’t recommend it. You’ll have the best experience if your environment is close to what is supported in the commercial product, RHV.

Take advantage of the official RHV documentation, most of which is applicable to oVirt upstream.


And have fun!

From: <users-bounces at ovirt.org> on behalf of david caughey <djc636 at gmail.com>
Date: Friday, October 28, 2016 at 11:46 AM
To: "Users at ovirt.org" <Users at ovirt.org>
Subject: [ovirt-users] ovirt homeserver

I'm building a homeserver to run ovirt and wanted to get opinions on the best approach.
The server will be used as a test/studybed for ovirt/kvm/vcloud/openstack/ceph.
The server will be based around a Xeon E5 10 core with 128GB ram.
Option 1:
Build server with CentOS 7.2 and deploy ovirt directly on top.
Option 2:
Build server with CentOS 7.2 and deploy multiple ovirt instances on top of KVM.
Which will be the most stable versatile method?
If a GPU is used as a passthrough device can it be used on several vm's or is it restricted to 1 vm?
If 2 GPU's are used can 1 be used as a dedicated passthrough to 1 vm and the other shared between the remaining vm's?
Is CentOS/RH the best platform for ovirt?
Is it okay/advisable to load the latest kernel, (4.8 ish), on to CentOS before installing ovirt?

Any and all comments/advice welcome,
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