[ovirt-users] [ovirt 3.6] Logical network not working

Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 19:41:27 UTC 2016

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 9:20 PM, Edward Haas <ehaas at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto
> <lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Colin Coe <colin.coe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > So is the problem getting traffic between two different VLANs working?
>> > If
>> > so, have you double checked your routing?
>> No, the issue is that VM cannot still ping the gateway of it's own
>> network.
>> Resuming:
>> VM can ping the host interface assigned to the logical network (eno5)
>> VM cannot ping gateway
>> Host can ping gateway and VM
>> External machine (e.g. gateway) cannot ping VM
>> External machine can ping the host interface assigned to the logical
>> network (eno5)
> I may be missing something here, and a diagram would have helped.
> Assuming this is your setup, see how vlan tagging matters and translates to
> the network:
> [pc]---<vlan 828, access>[switch]<trunk, tag
> 828>----<trunk>[eno5]-[eno5.828]<tag stripped>[bridge]---<vtap>-[vNIC -
> regular iface, no vlan]
> In this setup, eno5 and eno5.828 should not have any IP defined, that is not
> legal. You need the address on the bridge.
> And you are not suppose to add it manually, but set it through Engine.

Yes, i reported a wrong information. Sorry.

I added the ip address starting via the engine to the bridge Development.

> Based on your description, setting an address on eno5, means that your gw/pc
> is not residing on a VLAN, or you have no trunk between eno
> to it.
> and fix the data flow diagram if it is not correct.

The data flow now is the following, after disabling VLAN settings on
engine and changing the port as native interface.

[pc]---<vlan 828, access>[switch]<vlan828,
access>----[eno5]---[bridge]---<vtap>-[vNIC - regular iface, no vlan]

Before was as you reported. VLAN usage has been disable to check if
something was wrong on my setup on the host.

As you can see on my previous emails, seems that the issue is about
the linux bridge, which is not forwarding ARP packets from the
external network (traffic incoming to eno5) to the vtap (vnet0, which
reports mac address different from the one seen inside the VM)

> Perhaps it will be better to just add here the output of from the host:
> ip addr

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq
master bond0 state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: eno2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq
master bond0 state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
4: eno3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq
master bond1 state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
5: eno4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq
master bond1 state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
6: eno5: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master
Development state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:95 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
7: eno6: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:97 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
noqueue master ovirtmgmt state UP
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
noqueue state UP
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global bond1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
10: ;vdsmdummy;: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN
    link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
12: ovirtmgmt: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global ovirtmgmt
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
31: Development: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc
noqueue state UP
    link/ether 00:21:5a:9b:ba:95 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global Development
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
32: vnet0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
master Development state UNKNOWN qlen 500
    link/ether fe:1a:4a:16:01:51 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

> brctl show

bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
;vdsmdummy;             8000.000000000000       no
Development                8000.00215a9bba95       no              eno5
ovirtmgmt               8000.00215a9bba8d       no              bond0

> vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps

        HBAInventory = {'FC': [{'model': '554FLB - HP FlexFabric 10Gb
2-port 554FLB Adapter',
                                'wwnn': '5001438002a3b2f7',
                                'wwpn': '5001438002a3b2f6'},
                               {'model': '554FLB - HP FlexFabric 10Gb
2-port 554FLB Adapter',
                                'wwnn': '5001438002a3b2f9',
                                'wwpn': '5001438002a3b2f8'}],
                        'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName':
        ISCSIInitiatorName = 'iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:33f12e4cd757'
        additionalFeatures = []
        autoNumaBalancing = 0
        bondings = {'bond0': {'active_slave': 'eno1',
                              'addr': '',
                              'cfg': {'BONDING_OPTS': '',
                                      'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                      'BRIDGE': 'ovirtmgmt',
                                      'DEVICE': 'bond0',
                                      'HOTPLUG': 'no',
                                      'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                      'MTU': '1500',
                                      'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                      'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
                              'dhcpv4': False,
                              'dhcpv6': False,
                              'gateway': '',
                              'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d',
                              'ipv4addrs': [],
                              'ipv6addrs': [],
                              'ipv6gateway': '::',
                              'mtu': '1500',
                              'netmask': '',
                              'opts': {'miimon': '100', 'mode': '1'},
                              'slaves': ['eno1', 'eno2']},
                    'bond1': {'active_slave': 'eno3',
                              'addr': '',
                              'cfg': {'BONDING_MASTER': 'yes',
                                      'BONDING_OPTS': '',
                                      'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                      'DEFROUTE': 'yes',
                                      'DEVICE': 'bond1',
                                      'IPADDR': '',
                                      'IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL': 'no',
                                      'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                      'NAME': 'bond1',
                                      'PREFIX': '22',
                                      'TYPE': 'Bond'},
                              'dhcpv4': False,
                              'dhcpv6': False,
                              'gateway': '',
                              'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:91',
                              'ipv4addrs': [''],
                              'ipv6addrs': [],
                              'ipv6gateway': '::',
                              'mtu': '1500',
                              'netmask': '',
                              'opts': {'miimon': '100', 'mode': '1'},
                              'slaves': ['eno3', 'eno4']}}
        bridges = {'Development': {'addr': '',
                                'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                        'DEFROUTE': 'no',
                                        'DELAY': '0',
                                        'DEVICE': 'Development',
                                        'GATEWAY': '',
                                        'HOTPLUG': 'no',
                                        'IPADDR': '',
                                        'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                        'MTU': '1500',
                                        'NETMASK': '',
                                        'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                        'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                        'STP': 'off',
                                        'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
                                'dhcpv4': False,
                                'dhcpv6': False,
                                'gateway': '',
                                'ipv4addrs': [''],
                                'ipv6addrs': [],
                                'ipv6gateway': '::',
                                'mtu': '1500',
                                'netmask': '',
                                'opts': {'ageing_time': '30000',
                                         'bridge_id': '8000.00215a9bba95',
                                         'default_pvid': '1',
                                         'forward_delay': '0',
                                         'gc_timer': '840',
                                         'group_addr': '1:80:c2:0:0:0',
                                         'group_fwd_mask': '0x0',
                                         'hash_elasticity': '4',
                                         'hash_max': '512',
                                         'hello_time': '200',
                                         'hello_timer': '37',
                                         'max_age': '2000',
                                         'multicast_last_member_count': '2',

'multicast_last_member_interval': '100',

'multicast_membership_interval': '26000',
                                         'multicast_querier': '0',
                                         'multicast_querier_interval': '25500',
                                         'multicast_query_interval': '12500',

'multicast_query_response_interval': '1000',
                                         'multicast_router': '1',
                                         'multicast_snooping': '1',
                                         'multicast_startup_query_count': '2',

'multicast_startup_query_interval': '3125',
                                         'nf_call_arptables': '0',
                                         'nf_call_ip6tables': '0',
                                         'nf_call_iptables': '0',
                                         'priority': '32768',
                                         'root_id': '8000.00215a9bba95',
                                         'root_path_cost': '0',
                                         'root_port': '0',
                                         'stp_state': '0',
                                         'tcn_timer': '0',
                                         'topology_change': '0',
                                         'topology_change_detected': '0',
                                         'topology_change_timer': '0',
                                         'vlan_filtering': '0'},
                                'ports': ['eno5', 'vnet0'],
                                'stp': 'off'},
                   'ovirtmgmt': {'addr': '',
                                 'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                         'DEFROUTE': 'yes',
                                         'DELAY': '0',
                                         'DEVICE': 'ovirtmgmt',
                                         'GATEWAY': '',
                                         'HOTPLUG': 'no',
                                         'IPADDR': '',
                                         'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                         'MTU': '1500',
                                         'NETMASK': '',
                                         'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                         'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                         'STP': 'off',
                                         'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
                                 'dhcpv4': False,
                                 'dhcpv6': False,
                                 'gateway': '',
                                 'ipv4addrs': [''],
                                 'ipv6addrs': [],
                                 'ipv6gateway': '::',
                                 'mtu': '1500',
                                 'netmask': '',
                                 'opts': {'ageing_time': '30000',
                                          'bridge_id': '8000.00215a9bba8d',
                                          'default_pvid': '1',
                                          'forward_delay': '0',
                                          'gc_timer': '1141',
                                          'group_addr': '1:80:c2:0:0:0',
                                          'group_fwd_mask': '0x0',
                                          'hash_elasticity': '4',
                                          'hash_max': '512',
                                          'hello_time': '200',
                                          'hello_timer': '36',
                                          'max_age': '2000',
                                          'multicast_last_member_count': '2',

'multicast_last_member_interval': '100',

'multicast_membership_interval': '26000',
                                          'multicast_querier': '0',
                                          'multicast_querier_interval': '25500',
                                          'multicast_query_interval': '12500',

'multicast_query_response_interval': '1000',
                                          'multicast_router': '1',
                                          'multicast_snooping': '1',
                                          'multicast_startup_query_count': '2',

'multicast_startup_query_interval': '3125',
                                          'nf_call_arptables': '0',
                                          'nf_call_ip6tables': '0',
                                          'nf_call_iptables': '0',
                                          'priority': '32768',
                                          'root_id': '8000.00215a9bba8d',
                                          'root_path_cost': '0',
                                          'root_port': '0',
                                          'stp_state': '0',
                                          'tcn_timer': '0',
                                          'topology_change': '0',
                                          'topology_change_detected': '0',
                                          'topology_change_timer': '0',
                                          'vlan_filtering': '0'},
                                 'ports': ['bond0'],
                                 'stp': 'off'}}
        clusterLevels = ['3.4', '3.5', '3.6']
        cpuCores = '6'
        cpuFlags =
        cpuModel = 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 0 @ 2.50GHz'
        cpuSockets = '1'
        cpuSpeed = '2500.000'
        cpuThreads = '12'
        emulatedMachines = ['pc-i440fx-rhel7.1.0',
        guestOverhead = '65'
        hooks = {'before_device_create': {'50_vmfex': {'md5':
                 'before_device_migrate_destination': {'50_vmfex':
{'md5': 'e05994261acaea7dcf4b88ea0e81f1f5'}},
                 'before_nic_hotplug': {'50_vmfex': {'md5':
        hostdevPassthrough = 'false'
        kdumpStatus = 1
        kvmEnabled = 'true'
        lastClient = ''
        lastClientIface = 'lo'
        liveMerge = 'true'
        liveSnapshot = 'true'
        memSize = '23908'
        netConfigDirty = 'False'
        networks = {'Development': {'addr': '',
                                 'bridged': True,
                                 'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                         'DEFROUTE': 'no',
                                         'DELAY': '0',
                                         'DEVICE': 'Development',
                                         'GATEWAY': '',
                                         'HOTPLUG': 'no',
                                         'IPADDR': '',
                                         'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                         'MTU': '1500',
                                         'NETMASK': '',
                                         'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                         'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                         'STP': 'off',
                                         'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
                                 'dhcpv4': False,
                                 'dhcpv6': False,
                                 'gateway': '',
                                 'iface': 'Development',
                                 'ipv4addrs': [''],
                                 'ipv6addrs': [],
                                 'ipv6gateway': '::',
                                 'mtu': '1500',
                                 'netmask': '',
                                 'ports': ['eno5', 'vnet0'],
                                 'stp': 'off'},
                    'ovirtmgmt': {'addr': '',
                                  'bridged': True,
                                  'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                          'DEFROUTE': 'yes',
                                          'DELAY': '0',
                                          'DEVICE': 'ovirtmgmt',
                                          'GATEWAY': '',
                                          'HOTPLUG': 'no',
                                          'IPADDR': '',
                                          'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                          'MTU': '1500',
                                          'NETMASK': '',
                                          'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                          'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                          'STP': 'off',
                                          'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
                                  'dhcpv4': False,
                                  'dhcpv6': False,
                                  'gateway': '',
                                  'iface': 'ovirtmgmt',
                                  'ipv4addrs': [''],
                                  'ipv6addrs': [],
                                  'ipv6gateway': '::',
                                  'mtu': '1500',
                                  'netmask': '',
                                  'ports': ['bond0'],
                                  'stp': 'off'}}
        nics = {'eno1': {'addr': '',
                         'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                 'DEVICE': 'eno1',
                                 'HWADDR': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d',
                                 'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                 'MASTER': 'bond0',
                                 'MTU': '1500',
                                 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                 'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                 'SLAVE': 'yes'},
                         'dhcpv4': False,
                         'dhcpv6': False,
                         'gateway': '',
                         'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d',
                         'ipv4addrs': [],
                         'ipv6addrs': [],
                         'ipv6gateway': '::',
                         'mtu': '1500',
                         'netmask': '',
                         'permhwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d',
                         'speed': 10000},
                'eno2': {'addr': '',
                         'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                 'DEVICE': 'eno2',
                                 'HWADDR': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:8f',
                                 'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                 'MASTER': 'bond0',
                                 'MTU': '1500',
                                 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                 'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                 'SLAVE': 'yes'},
                         'dhcpv4': False,
                         'dhcpv6': False,
                         'gateway': '',
                         'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:8d',
                         'ipv4addrs': [],
                         'ipv6addrs': [],
                         'ipv6gateway': '::',
                         'mtu': '1500',
                         'netmask': '',
                         'permhwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:8f',
                         'speed': 10000},
                'eno3': {'addr': '',
                         'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                 'DEFROUTE': 'yes',
                                 'DEVICE': 'eno3',
                                 'IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL': 'no',
                                 'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                 'MASTER': 'bond1',
                                 'NAME': 'bond1-slave',
                                 'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                 'PEERDNS': 'yes',
                                 'PEERROUTES': 'yes',
                                 'SLAVE': 'yes',
                                 'TYPE': 'Ethernet'},
                         'dhcpv4': False,
                         'dhcpv6': False,
                         'gateway': '',
                         'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:91',
                         'ipv4addrs': [],
                         'ipv6addrs': [],
                         'ipv6gateway': '::',
                         'mtu': '1500',
                         'netmask': '',
                         'permhwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:91',
                         'speed': 10000},
                'eno4': {'addr': '',
                         'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                 'DEFROUTE': 'yes',
                                 'DEVICE': 'eno4',
                                 'IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL': 'no',
                                 'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                 'MASTER': 'bond1',
                                 'NAME': 'bond1-slave2',
                                 'ONBOOT': 'yes',
                                 'PEERDNS': 'yes',
                                 'PEERROUTES': 'yes',
                                 'SLAVE': 'yes',
                                 'TYPE': 'Ethernet'},
                         'dhcpv4': False,
                         'dhcpv6': False,
                         'gateway': '',
                         'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:91',
                         'ipv4addrs': [],
                         'ipv6addrs': [],
                         'ipv6gateway': '::',
                         'mtu': '1500',
                         'netmask': '',
                         'permhwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:93',
                         'speed': 10000},
                'eno5': {'addr': '',
                         'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                 'BRIDGE': 'Development',
                                 'DEVICE': 'eno5',
                                 'HWADDR': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:95',
                                 'IPV6INIT': 'no',
                                 'MTU': '1500',
                                 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
                         'dhcpv4': False,
                         'dhcpv6': False,
                         'gateway': '',
                         'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:95',
                         'ipv4addrs': [],
                         'ipv6addrs': [],
                         'ipv6gateway': '::',
                         'mtu': '1500',
                         'netmask': '',
                         'speed': 10000},
                'eno6': {'addr': '',
                         'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'none',
                                 'DEVICE': 'eno6',
                                 'HWADDR': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:97',
                                 'MTU': '1500',
                                 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
                                 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
                         'dhcpv4': False,
                         'dhcpv6': False,
                         'gateway': '',
                         'hwaddr': '00:21:5a:9b:ba:97',
                         'ipv4addrs': [],
                         'ipv6addrs': [],
                         'ipv6gateway': '::',
                         'mtu': '1500',
                         'netmask': '',
                         'speed': 10000}}
        numaNodeDistance = {'0': [10]}
        numaNodes = {'0': {'cpus': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11], 'totalMemory': '23908'}}
        onlineCpus = '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11'
        operatingSystem = {'name': 'RHEL', 'release': '9.el7', 'version': '7.2'}
        packages2 = {'glusterfs-cli': {'buildtime': 1447142472,
                                       'release': '1.el7',
                                       'version': '3.7.6'},
                     'kernel': {'buildtime': 1453345829.0,
                                'release': '327.4.5.el7.x86_64',
                                'version': '3.10.0'},
                     'librbd1': {'buildtime': 1442598293,
                                 'release': '17.el7cp',
                                 'version': '0.80.8'},
                     'libvirt': {'buildtime': 1456935391,
                                 'release': '13.el7_2.4',
                                 'version': '1.2.17'},
                     'mom': {'buildtime': 1461328785, 'release':
'1.1.el7', 'version': '0.5.3'},
                     'qemu-img': {'buildtime': 1460115917,
                                  'release': '31.el7_2.10.1',
                                  'version': '2.3.0'},
                     'qemu-kvm': {'buildtime': 1460115917,
                                  'release': '31.el7_2.10.1',
                                  'version': '2.3.0'},
                     'spice-server': {'buildtime': 1461678243,
                                      'release': '15.el7_2.1',
                                      'version': '0.12.4'},
                     'vdsm': {'buildtime': 1464098638, 'release':
'1.el7', 'version': '4.17.28'}}
        reservedMem = '321'
        rngSources = ['random']
        selinux = {'mode': '-1'}
        software_revision = '1'
        software_version = '4.17'
        supportedENGINEs = ['3.4', '3.5', '3.6']
        uuid = 'CB758278-ED02-4BF4-A2F2-FD1EFCC73D3A'
        version_name = 'Snow Man'
        vlans = {}
        vmTypes = ['kvm']

I hope in some help. The behavior is very strange and i've no idea on
how to move.


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Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto, http://www.remixtj.net , <lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com>

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