[ovirt-users] Ovirt host activation and lvm looping with high CPU load trying to mount iSCSI storage

Mark Greenall m.greenall at iontrading.com
Fri Jan 13 11:14:04 UTC 2017

Just been catching up with all the threads and I saw mention of some iscsid.conf settings which reminded me we also changed some of those from default as per the Dell Optimizing SAN Environment for Linux Guide previously mentioned.

Changed from default in /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
node.session.initial_login_retry_max = 12
node.session.cmds_max = 1024
node.session.queue_depth = 128
node.startup = manual
node.session.iscsi.FastAbort = No

As mentioned by a couple of people, I do just hope this is a case of an optimization conflict between Ovirt and Equallogic. I just don't understand why every now and again the host will come up and stay up. In the Ovirt Equallogic cluster I have currently battled to get three of the hosts up (and running guests), I am left with the fourth host which I'm using for this call and it just refuses to stay up. It may not be specifically related to Ovirt 4.x but I do know we never used to have this type of a battle getting nodes online. I'm quite happy to change settings on this one host but can't make cluster wide changes as it will likely bring all the guests down.

As some added information here is the iscsi connection details for one of the storage domains. As mentioned we are using the 2 x 10Gb iSCSI HBA's in an LACP group in Ovirt and Cisco. Hence we see a login from the same source address (but two different interfaces) to the same (single) persistent address which is the controllers virtual group address. The Current Portal addresses are the Equallogic Active Conrollers eth0 and eth1 addresses.

Target: iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-42a846-654479033-f9888b77feb584ec-lnd-ion-db-tprm-dstore01 (non-flash)
        Current Portal:,1
        Persistent Portal:,1
                Iface Name: bond1.10
                Iface Transport: tcp
                Iface Initiatorname: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a53470a0ae32
                Iface IPaddress:
                Iface HWaddress: <empty>
                Iface Netdev: uk1iscsivlan10
                SID: 95
                iSCSI Connection State: LOGGED IN
                iSCSI Session State: LOGGED_IN
                Internal iscsid Session State: NO CHANGE
        Current Portal:,1
        Persistent Portal:,1
                Iface Name: default
                Iface Transport: tcp
                Iface Initiatorname: iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a53470a0ae32
                Iface IPaddress:
                Iface HWaddress: <empty>
                Iface Netdev: <empty>
                SID: 96
                iSCSI Connection State: LOGGED IN
                iSCSI Session State: LOGGED_IN
                Internal iscsid Session State: NO CHANGE


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