[ovirt-users] Nested KVM: what is the correct setup

ovirt at fateknollogee.com ovirt at fateknollogee.com
Tue May 30 13:42:01 UTC 2017

Host: CentOS-7_v1611 (or Fedora 25 -my personal fav)
VMs: oVirt nodes v4.1.2

To setup nested KVM, I follow these 

to check if is enabled do ("kvm_intel" for intel cpu, "kvm_amd" for AMD)
-root at proxmox:~# cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
(N means it's not, to enable ("kvm-intel" for intel, "kvm-amd" for 

# echo "options kvm-intel nested=Y" > /etc/modprobe.d/kvm-intel.conf
and reboot or reload the kernel modul

modprobe -r kvm_intel
modprobe kvm_intel
check again

-root at proxmox:~# cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested

Question: what other settings need to be enabled in the guest vm?
See "test nested virt" at 
Do we need this setting in the vm?

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