[ovirt-users] [vdsm] status update: running containers alongside VMs

Nathanaël Blanchet blanchet at abes.fr
Fri Jan 5 12:07:02 UTC 2018

Hi Francesco,

I've just discovered your work on running containers along vms in ovirt 
and I'm really interested in it.

I found more recent details in 
https://fromanirh.github.io/containers-in-ovirt.html but except this 
mail and this blog, but it is difficult to find more. Nothing on the 
ovirt site as well about it, and nothing about finding the pre-built 
vdsm-containers rpm on jenkins.ovirt.org, I had to build it by my own 
form the source with the --enable-containers flag (doesn't seem to be 
present in jenkins build)

So before setting up this test environnment and maybe wasting some 
precious time, I prefer verfying that this feature is still under 
development, or even it might be included in the master branch in the 
near future.

Le 13/10/2016 à 12:40, Francesco Romani a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> I'm happy to share some progress about the former "convirt"[1] project,
> which aims to let Vdsm containers alongside VMs, on bare metal.
> In the last couple of months I kept updating the patch series, which
> is approaching the readiness to be merged in Vdsm.
> Please read through this mail to see what the patchset can do now,
> how you could try it *now*, even before it is merged.
> Everyone is invited to share thoughts and ideas about how this effort
> could evolve.
> This will be a long mail; I will amend, enhance and polish the content
> and make a blog post (on https://mojaves.github.io) to make it easier
> to consume and to have some easy-to-find documentation. Later on the
> same content will appear also on the oVirt blog.
> Happy hacking!
> +++
> # How to try how the experimental container support for Vdsm.
> Vdsm is gaining *experimental* support to run containers alongside VMs.
> Vdsm had since long time the ability to manage VMs which run containers,
> and recently gained support for
> [atomic guests](http://www.projectatomic.io/blog/2015/01/running-ovirt-guest-agent-as-privileged-container/).
> With the new support we are describing, you will be able to manage containers
> with the same, proven infrastructure that let you manage VMs.
> This feature is currently being developed and it is still not merged in the
> Vdsm codebase, so some extra work is needed if you want to try it out.
> We aiming to merge it in the oVirt 4.1.z cycle.
> ## What works, aka what to expect
> The basic features are expected to work:
> 1. Run any docker image on the public docker registry
> 2. Make the container accessible from the outside (aka not just from localhost)
> 3. Use file-based storage for persistent volumes
> ## What does not yet work, aka what NOT to expect
> Few things are planned and currently under active development:
> 1. Monitoring. Engine will not get any update from the container besides "VM" status (Up, Down...)
>     One important drawback is that you will not be told the IP of the container from Engine,
>     you will need to connect to the Vdsm host to discover it using standard docker tools.
> 2. Proper network integration. Some steps still need manual intervention
> 3. Stability and recovery - it's pre-alpha software after all! :)
> ## 1. Introduction and prerequisites
> Trying out container support affects only the host and the Vdsm.
> Besides add few custom properties (totally safe and supported since early
> 3.z), there are zero changes required to the DB and to Engine.
> Nevertheless, we recommend to dedicate one oVirt 4.y environment,
> or at least one 4.y host, to try out the container feature.
> To get started, first thing you need is to setup a vanilla oVirt 4.y
> installation. We will need to make changes to the Vdsm and to the
> Vdsm host, so hosted engine and/or oVirt node may add extra complexity,
> better to avoid them at the moment.
> The reminder of this tutorial assumes you are using two hosts,
> one for Vdsm (will be changed) and one for Engine (will require zero changes);
> furthermore, we assume the Vdsm host is running on CentOS 7.y.
> We require:
> - one test host for Vdsm. This host need to have one NIC dedicated to containers.
>    We will use the [docker macvlan driver](https://raesene.github.io/blog/2016/07/23/Docker-MacVLAN/),
>    so this NIC *must not be* part of one bridge.
> - docker >= 1.12
> - oVirt >= 4.0.5 (Vdsm >= 4.18.15)
> - CentOS >= 7.2
> Docker >= 1.12 is avaialable for download [here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/centos/)
> Caveats:
> 1. docker from official rpms conflicts con docker from CentOS, and has a different package name: docker-engine vs docker.
>     Please note that the kubernetes package from CentOS, for example, require 'docker', not 'docker-engine'.
> 2. you may want to replace the default service file
>     [with this one](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/centos72/systemd/docker/docker.service)
>     and to use this
>     [sysconfig file](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/centos72/systemd/docker/docker-engine).
>     Here I'm just adding the storage options docker requires, much like the CentOS docker is configured.
>     Configuring docker like this can save you some troubleshooting, especially if you had docker from CentOS installed
>     on the testing box.
> ## 2. Patch Vdsm to support containers
> You need to patch and rebuild Vdsm.
> Fetch [this patch](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/vdsm/
> and apply it against Vdsm Vdsm 4.18.15.{1,2,...} are supported as well.
> Rebuild Vdsm and reinstall on your box.
> [centos 7.2 packages are here](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/tree/master/rpms/centos72)
> Make sure you install the Vdsm command line client (vdsm-cli)
> Restart *both* Vdsm and Supervdsm, make sure Engine still works flawlessly with patched Vdsm.
> This ensure that no regression is introduced, and that your environment can run VMs just as before.
> Now we can proceed adding the container support.
> start docker:
>    # systemctl start docker-engine
>    (optional)
>    # systemctl enable docker-engine
> Restart Vdsm again
>    # systemctl restart vdsm
> Now we can check if Vdsm detects docker, so you can use it:
> still on the same Vdsm host, run
>    $ vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps | grep containers
> 	containers = ['docker', 'fake']
> This means this Vdsm can run containers using 'docker' and 'fake' runtimes.
> Ignore the 'fake' runtime; as the name suggests, is a test driver, kinda like /dev/null.
> Now we need to make sure the host network configuration is fine.
> ### 2.1. Configure the docker network for Vdsm
>    that the suggested network configuration assumes that
>    * you have one network, `ovirtmgmt` (the default one) you use for everything
>    * you have one Vdsm host with at least two NICs, one bound to the `ovirtmgmt` network, and one spare
> _This step is not yet automated by Vdsm_, so manual action is needed; Vdsm will take
> care of this automatically in the future.
> You can use
> [this helper script](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/vdsm/cont-setup-net),
> which reuses the Vdsm libraries. Make sure
> you have patched Vdsm to support container before to use it.
> Let's review what the script needs:
>    # ./cont-setup-net -h
>    usage: cont-setup-net [-h] [--name [NAME]] [--bridge [BRIDGE]]
>                          [--interface [INTERFACE]] [--gateway [GATEWAY]]
>                          [--subnet [SUBNET]] [--mask [MASK]]
>    optional arguments:
>      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>      --name [NAME]         network name to use
>      --bridge [BRIDGE]     bridge to use
>      --interface [INTERFACE]
>                            interface to use
>      --gateway [GATEWAY]   address of the gateway
>      --subnet [SUBNET]     subnet to use
>      --mask [MASK]         netmask to use
> So we need to feed --name, --interface, --gateway, --subnet and optionally --mask (default, /24, is often fine).
> For my case the default mask was indeed fine, so I used the script like this:
>    # ./cont-setup-net --name ovirtmgmt --interface enp3s0 --gateway --subnet
> Thhis is the output I got:
>    DEBUG:virt.containers.runtime:configuring runtime 'docker'
>    DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* calling ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'inspect', 'ovirtmgmt']
>    Error: No such network: ovirtmgmt
>    DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* called ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'inspect', 'ovirtmgmt']
>    DEBUG:virt.containers.runtime.Docker:config: cannot load 'ovirtmgmt', ignored
>    DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* calling ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'create', '-d', 'macvlan', '--subnet=', '--gateway=', '--ip-range=', '-o', 'parent=enp3s0', 'ovirtmgmt']
>    DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* called ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'create', '-d', 'macvlan', '--subnet=', '--gateway=', '--ip-range=', '-o', 'parent=enp3s0', 'ovirtmgmt']
>    DEBUG:virt.containers.runtime:configuring runtime 'fake'
> You can clearly see what the script did, and why it needed the root privileges. Let's deoublecheck using the docker tools:
>    # docker network ls
>    NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
>    91535f3425a8        bridge              bridge              local
>    d42f7e5561b5        host                host                local
>    621ab6dd49b1        none                null                local
>    f4b88e4a67eb        ovirtmgmt           macvlan             local
>    # docker network inspect ovirtmgmt
>    [
>        {
>            "Name": "ovirtmgmt",
>            "Id": "f4b88e4a67ebb7886ec74073333d613b1893272530cae4d407c95ab587c5fea1",
>            "Scope": "local",
>            "Driver": "macvlan",
>            "EnableIPv6": false,
>            "IPAM": {
>                "Driver": "default",
>                "Options": {},
>                "Config": [
>                    {
>                        "Subnet": "",
>                        "IPRange": "",
>                        "Gateway": ""
>                    }
>                ]
>            },
>            "Internal": false,
>            "Containers": {},
>            "Options": {
>                "parent": "enp3s0"
>            },
>            "Labels": {}
>        }
>    ]
> Looks good! the host configuration is completed. Let's move to the Engine side.
> ## 3. Configure Engine
> As mentioned above, we need now to configure Engine. This boils down to:
> Add a few custom properties for VMs:
> In case you were already using custom properties, you need to amend the command
> line to not overwrite your existing ones.
>    # engine-config -s UserDefinedVMProperties='volumeMap=^[a-zA-Z_-]+:[a-zA-Z_-]+$;containerImage=^[a-zA-Z]+(://|)[a-zA-Z]+$;containerType=^(docker|rkt)$' --cver=4.0
> It is worth stressing that while the variables are container-specific,
> the VM custom properties are totally inuntrusive and old concept in oVirt, so
> this step is totally safe.
> Now restart Engine to let it use the new variables:
>    # systemctl restart ovirt-engine
> The next step is actually configure one "container VM" and run it.
> ## 4. Create the container "VM"
> To finally run a container, you start creating a VM much like you always did, with
> few changes
>    1. most of the hardware-related configuration isn't relevant for container "VMs",
>       besides cpu share and memory limits; this will be better documented in the
>       future; unneeded configuration will just be ignored
>    2. You need to set some custom properties for your container "VM". Those are
>       actually needed to enable the container flow, and they are documented in
>       the next section. You *need* to set at least `containerType` and `containerImage`.
> ### 4.2. Custom variables for container support
> The container support needs some custom properties to be properly configured:
>    1. `containerImage` (*needed* to enable the container system).
>       Just select the target image you want to run. You can use the standard syntax of the
>       container runtimes.
>    2. `containerType` (*needed* to enable the container system).
>       Selects the container runtime you want to use. All the available options are always showed.
>       Please note that unavailable container options are not yet grayed out.
>       If you *do not* have rkt support on your host, you still can select it, but it won't work.
>    3. `volumeMap` key:value like. You can map one "VM" disk (key) to one container volume (value),
>       to have persistent storage. Only file-based storage is supported.
> Example configuration:
>     `containerImage = redis`
>     `containerType = docker`
>     `volumeMap = vda:data` (this may not be needed, and the volume label is just for illustrative purposes)
> ### 4.2. A little bit of extra work: preload the images on the Vdsm host
> This step is not needed by the flow, and will be handled by oVirt in the future.
> The issue is how the container image are handled. They are stored by the container
> management system (rkt, docker) on each host, and they are not pre-downloaded.
> To shorten the duration of the first boot, you are advised to pre-download
> the image(s) you want to run. For example
>    ## on the Vdsm host you want to use with containers
>    # docker pull redis
> ## 5. Run the container "VM"
> You are now all set to run your "VM" using oVirt Engine, just like any existing VM.
> Some actions doesn't make sense for a container "VM", like live migration.
> Engine won't stop you to try to do those actions, but they will fail gracefully
> using the standard errors.
> ## 6. Next steps
> What to expect from this project in the future?
> For the integration with Vdsm, we want to fix the existing known issues, most notably:
>    * add proper monitoring/reporting of the container health
>    * ensure proper integration of the container image store with oVirt storage management
>    * streamline the network configuration
> What is explicitely excluded yet is any Engine change. This is a Vdsm-only change at the
> moment, so fixing the following is currently unplanned:
>    * First and foremost, Engine will not distinguish between real VMs and container VMs.
>      Actions unavailable to container will not be hidden from UI. Same for monitoring
>      and configuration data, which will be ignored.
>    * Engine is NOT aware of the volumes one container can use. You must inspect and do the
>      mapping manually.
>    * Engine is NOT aware of the available container runtimes. You must select it carefully
> Proper integration with Engine may be added in the future once this feature exits
> from the experimental/provisional stage.
> Thanks for reading, make sure to share your thoughts on the oVirt mailing lists!
> +++
> [1] we keep calling it that way _only_ internally, because it's a short
> name we are used to. After the merge/once we release it, we will use
> a different name, like "vdsm-containers" or something like it.

Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
blanchet at abes.fr

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