[ovirt-users] what does the metadata param "LEGALITY", "VOLTYPE" and "GEN" means?

pengyixiang yxpengi386 at 163.com
Wed Jan 24 07:48:34 UTC 2018

hello, everyone!
    There's a list storage metadata format in [1],  what does the "FAKE" , "INTERNAL|SHARED|LEAF", "GEN" means in ovirt? How did these used?

# Here is the worst case metadata format:
# CTIME=1440935038                            # int(time.time())
# DESCRIPTION=                                # text|JSON
# DISKTYPE=2                                  # enum
# DOMAIN=75f8a1bb-4504-4314-91ca-d9365a30692b # uuid
# FORMAT=COW                                  # RAW|COW
# IMAGE=75f8a1bb-4504-4314-91ca-d9365a30692b  # uuid
# LEGALITY=ILLEGAL                            # ILLEGAL|LEGAL|FAKE
# MTIME=0                                     # always 0
# POOL_UUID=                                  # always empty
# PUUID=75f8a1bb-4504-4314-91ca-d9365a30692b  # uuid
# SIZE=2147483648                             # size in blocks
# VOLTYPE=INTERNAL                            # INTERNAL|SHARED|LEAF
# GEN=999                                     # int
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